Episode 3. The Forbidden Zone | 15

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Julianne Bailey Routledge

Later on, John B went out to wherever, Pope went home, and Kie was working, leaving JJ and I alone at the Chateau. We had been sitting in silence for the past 15 minutes. It wasn't uncomfortable, just weird.

He was laying on one side of the couch, while I was on the other, my legs resting on top of his.

I sat up, asking, "What do you think about John B and Kie?"

He shrugged, "I thought it was gonna work out, but I guess not."

I grinned, "I think Pope likes her."

"I think so, too."

"I'm happy for them. I could totally see that ship sailing."

JJ laughed at my analogy, "You're really somethin', you know that?"

"I've been told that once or twice." I took in a breath, looking away, "JJ? Do you actually think that we're gonna find the gold?"

He sat up, "I don't know, Jules. I'd like to think so."

"I.. What if we don't?"

"What do you mean?"

"Can I tell you something? Like, something I've never told anyone, not even John B?" I asked. I wasn't sure where this came from, but with JJ, I felt like I could tell him anything.

He tilted his head, "Of course, J"

"This whole time, I've been avoiding any talk of my dad and I've just agreed when anyone said he was dead. But if he really is alive.. I just gave up on him. What if he hates me for it? He been trying to talk to John B and I and I've just pushed him away."

He put his hand on mine, "Jules, he could never hate you. No one could."

Suddenly, both of us started leaning in, being interrupted by knocking on the door. We pulled apart just as Pope stormed in.

"Ah, yes. Come on in, Pope." I said sarcastically.

"My dad wants me to deliver groceries to Figure Eight. I don't want to go alone." Pope rushed out, basically asking JJ and I to go with him.

JJ and I looked at each other, both of us getting up and following Pope out.

We stood on the boat as Heyward tossed us some bags, "You guys get these groceries over to Figure Eight. Get straight back here when you're done. No fishin'. Julianne, I'm counting on you to keep them in line."

I nodded at him, "You got it."

He nodded, "Good. I promised deliveries by this afternoon. Rich folks don't wanna wait for you lazy sons of.-" JJ held his arms to grab the bags, "Aw, JJ, thank you.- sons of bitches."

Pope nodded, "Right."

Pope started the boat and JJ propped himself up on the counter as we drove off.

"Doesn't even look like a storm hit there." Pope said, causing us to look out the windows. The Figure Eight looked untouched, not that we were shocked by that.

JJ nodded, "That's because they got generators, bro. Get used to it."

I shook my head, "And then they say the juice will be out all summer at the cut."

Pope sighed, "It's nice to be a Kook."

You know, sometimes I wondered what it would be like to live like Sarah, or even Kiara. John B and I didn't have much growing up, but all we ever needed was each other. That still didn't keep me from wishing we had more, though.

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