Episode 3. The Forbidden Zone | 13

5K 65 18

Julianne Bailey Routledge

The next day arrived, all of us sitting on the boat. The sun was ruthless today, beating down on us.

JJ whistled, nodding his head toward a boat passing us, "You guys see that? That's the Malibu 24-MXZ, the world's finest wake setter. Number one in luxury, quality, and performance. 200k, easy."

"We picked the wrong parents." Pope said.

I got a closer look, scoffing, "I hate to break it to you guys, but that's Topper and my ex-girlfriend."

Sarah lifted up her sunglasses, looking us up and down. I resisted the urge to flip her off, rolling my eyes and looking away.

"You don't have to act like you don't see us, bitch." Kie muttered, making me laugh.

John B's eyes followed the boat and I snapped in his face, "Hey, buddy. That's my ex. Eyes off."

I heard JJ chuckle behind me, "You know, Jules, you guys were pretty hot together, but you know who you'd look better with?"

I faced him, "Enlighten me."

He smirked, "Me."

I rolled my eyes, the boat stopping at a good swimming spot near a beach. The boys got out, going to throw a ball around on shore, Kie and I starting to tan on the boat.

After a few minutes, she broke the silence, "Can I tell you something?"

I lifted my head up, "Sure."

She bit her lip, looking nervous, "John B kissed me."

I fully sat up now, "What?"

"I know, I know."


"The day that we went to the lighthouse." She sighed, "I wanted to tell you sooner, but I didn't want things to be weird, but it's eating me alive."

I let out a small laugh, "Kie, it's fine."

"Really? What about no Pogue-on-Pogue macking?"

I shrugged, "That rule was always stupid."

Kie gave me a grateful smile, turning it sinister quickly, "So, how about JJ?"

I looked over towards the land, watching him toss the football, the sun hitting his body in every right way.

I looked back at Kie, "What about him?"

"You obviously like him."

I shrugged, "I don't know about that.. he's just attractive."

"Please," She scoffed, "you guys make heart eyes at each other 24/7. It's meant to be."

I bit my lip, looking back over at him, forgetting to respond to Kie. Who knows what I felt for JJ, but I didn't want to label it, so for now, he was just attractive.


We pulled up to the hotel.

"All right, keep a look out." JJ said, "We're behind enemy lines."

He pulled out the gun, John B groaning, "Yo, come on, man. Just put it back."

In any other circumstance, I wouldn't have let them drag me along with them, but now that my dad might actually be out there, I was all in.

"What?" JJ said.

I shook my head, giving him a stern look, "JJ."

He shrugged, "Can never be too careful."

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