Episode 2. The Lucky Compass | 11

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Julianne Bailey Routledge

We pulled up to JJ's house, JJ with a Juul in his mouth, and Pope doing whatever.

"Let's ride." JJ said, the two hopping in the car.

"This better be good." Pope complained.

We went to the wreck, where I assumed Kie was working. Pope went in to go get her, coming out a few seconds later.

"She says she's not coming." He informed us.

"Why not?" JJ asked.

I huffed, looking at my brother, "What'd you do to her, John B?"

John B muttered profanities, "Hang on. I'll deal with it." He hopped out of the car, Pope climbing back in.

"What do you think happened?" Pope asked us.

JJ turned around in his seat, grinning, "I bet they fucked."

I scrunched my nose, "Ew! JJ!" I playfully shoved his face, John B returning with Kie.

They hopped in the car, John B taking us on a new adventure. I had no clue where we going, but that was half the fun of it, I guess.

"You mind if I just relax on this one? It's been a long day, and a lot of weird stuff's gone down. I'm just gonna lay low." He held his joint out to me, "Oh, did you want a hit of this?"

I held my hand up, "I'm good."

He held it out to Pope, who also declined, "I keep the signal clear."

JJ groaned, "Dude, okay. Do you understand that your problem is that you don't get creative."

I turned to him, "You talking to me?"

He shook his head, "No, you're perfect. I'm talking to Pope." He turned back to him, "If you got creative, then-"

John B cut him off, "Look, I know I was wrong about the lighthouse, all right."

I cut in, sighing, "No, that was my fault."

John B shushed me and kept talking, "And wrong about everything else going on. But I was right about one thing. Okay?" He turned to me, "Our dad is trying to tell us something."

We ended up at a graveyard, ushering us out of the car.

"I'm coming. This place is scary." Kie huffed, hopping out and standing next to me.

"Shut up." John B said, trying to get us all quiet, "You know how you're trying to remember a song and you can't remember who sings it?"


"So, Redfield. This while time I thought it was a place, right?" We nodded, "But it's not a place." He held the light up to a grave, "It's a person."

I recognized this, "That's our great-great grandmother Olivia Redfield."

John B nodded, "That was her maiden name."

We stood, looking at the sight.

"Help me with the door. Come on." John B said. The boys began pushing on it, but it wouldn't budge. Suddenly, a snake popped out, all of us jumping.

JJ started barking it, "JJ, shut up!" I hissed at him, afraid the snake was going to bite one of us.

"They're afraid of dogs, everyone knows that." He reasoned. "If there's one, there's one, there's probably dozens. All around."

"Stop. You're scaring me." Kie said.

I bit my lip, trying not to freak out. This whole place was just scary. JJ started barking again.

My brother groaned, "Stop barking at the snakes."

JJ's smile fell, "Just making sure it's clear."

JJ was higher than a kite right, which is exactly what we needed. Note my sarcasm.

Pope was starting to get irritated, "We're not gonna get in there, all right? It's not budging. We should probably just go."

I looked at the space, sighing, "I can get through."

"What?" John B asked. "No, no, no, no. You think you're gonna fit through the hole?"

"Look, this might be about dad. And honestly, I really don't believe in it, but I want to know the truth. We deserve to know the truth." I told him. I was done fighting this or pushing the memory of dad away, I was ready to find the truth, "I'll do it."

We pushed the vines away, getting better access.

"I'm gonna boost you." JJ said, holding his hands out, "I've seen it in the movies several times, ready?" 

"Remind me what I'm looking for." I said as I set my foot in his hands.

"You'll know when you see it." John told me. I nodded, handing Kie my flashlight.

"Alright, on three." JJ said, I ignored him, hoisting myself up. JJ stumbled a little bit, "Okay, never mind, forget three."

It was pitch black, "Okay, flashlight?"

Kie tossed it up to me and I was finally able to see again.

"You alive?" John B asked, "You got, like, a heartbeat and everything?"

I let out a nervous laugh, looking around, "So far."

"That's good. That's good." I don't know if John B was trying to convince me or himself.

"I need some more light." I told them. There was no way I was going to be able to find whatever I was looking for with this pewnie light.

"Here." John B held up a lantern, which gave me a good amount of light.

I went silent, my eyes falling over something.

JJ peeked through the vines, "Did you find something?"

"Is there gold?"

I was starstruck, "Oh my god."



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I'm loving this book ahhhh, although, it is very time consuming.

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