Episode 3. The Forbidden Zone | 12

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Julianne Bailey Routledge

I reached into the crack that I was staring into, pulling out an envelope. I shined my light on it, revealing a red X on it and some writing. The writing read, "For Bird & Bails," John and I's nicknames. I went back to the opening, sliding it through.

Pope sighed, "That's not gold."

I jumped out, John B reading it, "Holy shit. This is from our dad."

We all smiled at each other, realizing that John could have been right all this time.

JJ took a hit of his Juul, his eyes going wide, "Code red. Code red. Square groupers! Square groupers!"

We began running, hiding behind the building.

"Light!" Kie yelled, telling us to turn our lights off.

One of the men in the golf cart halted, "I see something!"

"Do you think it's them?" Kie asked, JJ peering around the corner. I feel like we always ended up in these situations.

"Homie's got a gun!" JJ told us.

"Screw this." Kie got up, prompting us to make a run for it, which we did.

We climbed the fence, Pope's distressed voice making us stop, "Guys, I'm stuck!"

JJ put his gun up, telling Pope not to move.

I pushed the gun barrel towards the ground, gaping at JJ and whacking the side of his head. Kie pulled Pope down, ripping his pants in the process. We all laughed, running back to the car.

I guess this wasn't so bad after all, plus, our father might actually be alive.

We finally made it back home, JJ going straight into the kitchen to make a sandwich.

I looked over at JJ, a bile rising in my throat, "That bread had mold on it three days ago."

He shrugged, "I'll just pull off the bad parts. Plus, mold is good for you. It's just a natural organism."

Kie called us over to the table, "JJ, Jules."

We went over to them and I stood behind John B, leaning on his shoulder. I wasn't going to lie, I was nervous to find out what was in the envelope.

Next to me, JJ gagged after a taking a bite of sandwich and I looked away from him, shaking my head.

John B pulled out a large folded paper and began to unfold it. I bit my lip, grabbing JJ's hand. He casted his eyes over to me, squeezing my hand to comfort me.

Once the paper was all laid it out, it looked like some sort of map. There were coordinates written on it and little drawings.

Pope pointed to an X, "X marks the spot."

John B began tracing his finger over it, "Longitude, latitude. Wait, there's something else in there." He pulled out a recorder from the envelope.

"What's that?" JJ asked.

I looked over at him, resisting the urge to hit him, "It's a tape recorder."

Kie shook her head, "Dumbass."

John B pressed the button, Dad's voice coming through, "Dear, Bird and Bails."

"Who's Bird and Bails?"

"That's what our dad called us." John B told him.

Dad's voice continued, "I hate to say 'I told you so,' but I told you so. And you doubted your old man. I suspect at this moment, you're filled with guilt and self-loathing over our last fight, but don't kill yourselves just yet, kids."

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