Episode 6. Parcel 9 | 24

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Julianne Bailey Routledge

I noticed Pope's struggle, putting my finger up at JJ, signaling for him to be quiet.

"Hey!" He whined, "That's ru-"

"Shh!" I pressed my palm to him mouth, nudging my head toward Pope. Finally, JJ caught on gave me a confused glance.

I took my hand off of his mouth and began moving towards him, "Pope! Pope, what are you doing?"

He looked up at me frantically, "Help me move these! All of you!" We all began pulling at boards, trying to be as quiet as possible, revealing a deep well.

We shined our flashlights down, laughing lightly as Pope made some dumb dad joke. The well was too deep to go down right now, murky waters filling the bottom. Who even knew how deep the water was?

"They built this part of the house right over it." Kie stated.

JJ peered down at me, "This is where she hid the bodies."

I felt a chill go up my spine and I shook my head, "Thank you, JJ."

Pope groaned, "Oh, dude, come on."

Kie agreed with us, "Stop."

JJ didn't listen, "No, I'm dead serious."

"Stop it!"

I began nibbling on my bottom lip, the familiar taste of nickel hitting my tongue.

"It was never an outhouse."

Kie groaned at him again, "She probably doesn't even know it's here." I nodded my head, trying to get myself to believe her. I didn't even want to think about the possibility of a dead body being right below our noses.

"So," Pope began, thankfully changing the subject, "we found water."

I sighed, "We're gonna need a really big rope."

"Can we leave now? This place is giving me the creeps." Pope suggested.

We left after placing the boards back to the way Pope had found them, all of us making our way back to the car.

John hung back as we climbed in, waving a hand at us, "I've gotta do something, guys."

He began running down the road and Kie put her head out of the window, yelling at him, "Where the hell are you going?"

He didn't bother turning around, "Meet me back at the Chateau!" He turned a corner and went out of site. I think that all of us knew where he was going, but no one said anything as we began our ride home.

We sat on the porch, waiting for John B to return. Kie had a permanent scowl on her face, presumably since John was most likely with Sarah. Look, I love Kie, but if I was able to forgive Sarah for cheating on me, she should be able to forgive her for not inviting her to her party, which was slightly my fault.

I mean, would you want to invite your ex's best friend after cheating on them? I wouldn't. I understand why Kie was mad, I mean, Sarah and her were pretty tight, but I think that Kie leveled the playing field when she called the cops.

JJ and I were crammed on a small chair, Pope and Kie sat on the railing next to us. Within minutes, John B and Sarah came into view. Kie perked up, eyeing the couple. JJ, Pope, and I all shared a glance, knowing that there was about to be World War 3.

As they approached us, Kie stood up. John B ingnored her, dragging Sarah onto the bench.

"Kie," John started, "before you go off on us, just listen. That's all I'm asking. Sarah is going to come with us tonight."

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