Episode 10. The Phantom | 33

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Julianne Bailey Routledge

We slept at The Wreck last night, JJ and I curled up together in a booth, all of us sore in the morning. Luckily, no cops decided to come here in the middle of the night. I wasn't ready to say goodbye to my brother, but knowing that it was only a 'see you later' made me feel a bit better.

I was going to see him again and that was a promise. JJ had swore up and down that we'd head straight to Mexico once this blows over, which I could only hope was sooner rather than later. JJ and I were the first to wake up, Pope following soon after.

I stayed in the booth, while Pope approached JJ, who was staring out of the window.

"He's pinched for sure." I stated, cop sirens roaring in the distance.

Pope shook his head, leaning outside, "No. They wouldn't still be patrolling if they caught him."

"Let's hope." JJ added.

"You know, we were in that car. And Julianne is his sister. They're probably looking for us, too." Kie said. Turns out she was awake.

I stood up, "Well, if we're gonna be outlaws, we might as well help John B."

"So, find him before they do?" JJ questioned.

Pope began walking out, "I'm gonna get gas for the boat."

"Hey, you be careful." Kie reminded him, returning to her mom-like ways, "Okay?"

Pope stared at her, finally turning to JJ, "Meet me at the dock at three. Don't be late."

Kie followed him out, shouting at him.

JJ began following her, but I stopped him, "Uh-uh. Not our business."

He groaned, grabbing my hand, "Oh, come on. Someone's gotta keep them from killing each other. That 'someone' is us."

He pulled me out, Kie's voice filling our ears, "Okay, what is your problem?"

Pope scoffed, "No problem, officer. I'm just doing my job."

He climbed onto the bike, Kie hot on his trail, "Look, I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings."

He revved the engine over her voice, "What was that?"

"Look, I didn't mean to."

"Sorry, I can't hear you. What was that?"

"Pope, I'm being serious- I'm trying to talk to you!" Pope didn't listen, speeding away in the middle of her sentence. I don't know what was happening between them, but whatever it was, didn't need to be discussed right now.

I probably sounded like a bad friend for saying that, but right now I needed to be a good sister. Suddenly, a helicopter sounded in the distance, all of us looking up. Sure enough, a helicopter went right over out heads.

"Who the hell is that?" JJ asked, shielding the sun from his eyes.

Kie shook her head, going back inside, "Doesn't matter."

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