Episode 3. The Forbidden Zone | 14

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Julianne Bailey Routledge

We finally pulled up to the salvage yard, after an excruciating long drive. The plan was that Kie would distract the guy at the gate long enough for the four of us to get in, grab the drone, and get out.

Kie hopped out of the car, John leaning out of the window, "Hey, don't worry. You got this."

Kie pointed to JJ and Pope, who were bickering, "It's not me that I'm worried about." She walked away, going up to talk to the gate guy.

"Alright, let's go guys." John B instructed, all of us following him out of the car.

We hid behind a structure, watching Kie work her magic.

"How's it goin' with Kiara?" JJ asked John B.

"It's, uh, not awkward, weird, or anything." He replied.

JJ laughed, "Honestly, I did not think you were gonna actually listen to me."

My eyes widened as I put two and two together, "You told him to do it?" I gaped at JJ.

John B looked over at me, furrowing his eyebrows, "You know?"

"Of course I know." I was kind of like the groups therapist. Whenever anyone had a problem, they usually came to me, meaning that I pretty much always know everything.

JJ shook his head, "In my defense, I was 100% sure she was into him. Pope would agree."

Pope tilted his head, "Ehh,"

JJ turned back to John B, "So, like, Kie, she, like, definitely gave you Heisman?"

"Oh, no question. Yup." John B nodded.


Pope grinned, "Maybe she's just into somebody else."

We looked over at him. A smile formed on my lips as I realized that Pope might like her. I don't blame them, I had a small school-girl crush on her as a kid, but she didn't swing that way, so I became her best friend instead. Which turned out to be a good thing, cause she is definitely not my type.

I nudged JJ's arm, him grinning down at me, having the same thought I was. Pope was a good guy, I just hoped he wouldn't get his heart broken.

JJ noticed the fence closing, grabbing my arm and dragging me, "Go, go, go!" He ushered us. We dashed to the closing gate, all of us just barely making it in.

JJ kept dragging me until we got to a storage container, where he finally dropped my arm. He pulled out a paper that had the number to lock, holding it for me so that I could key them in.

Once I had them in, I tugged on the lock, but it wouldn't open.

Pope noticed my struggles, "Do you have the right numbers?"

JJ groaned, "All right, so I might have the wrong numbers."

"Ah! Dammit!" Pope sighed. Suddenly, a big dog ran up to us, beginning to bark. I grabbed JJ's arm, all of us jumping back.

"Oh! Hey, hey!" I yelled at it.

John B took off yelling, "That's a cougar. Never mind!"

JJ put me behind him, trying to calm the dog down, "Hi! No, stay there! Good boy! No, you're okay!"

JJ ran, pulling me along with him. We turned around, seeing Pope just standing there.

"Pope, run!" I yelled at him. Pope grabbed a pipe, swinging it around, "Don't hit the poor thing! Pope!"

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