thank you <3 a little message

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Hi there, time for a sappy little post. First off, I just want to say h.o.l.y.s.h.i.t. thank you guys so so so fucking much for 100k reads. I wrote this book almost two years ago and although it's not my best work, you guys have given me such positive feedback and seem to love it. I really hope that Julianne resonated with some of you and enjoyed the queerness, which is something I advocate for (may or may not have a wlw book coming soon, hehe, teaser). 

But for real, I never even though that this was possible, so thank you. This means the world to me. And book two is in the making ;) ALSO if you liked this book, you should my other book call The Cameron Girl.

That's all. Thank you again <3 

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