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Chapter 44


I woke up the next day to the smell of fresh croissants and coffee.
“Morning sleepy head”, Bruno’s face stuck around the corner of the door.
“Morning”, I said while stretching my arms out.
“I got us breakfast”, he said holding up a bag and a plate with coffee on it.
I smiled, he was so sweet!
“I’ll be right there”, I said and then he left.
I pushed the covers away and got out of bed. I grabbed Bruno’s bathrobe and put it on. Then I tied my hair into a bun and walked to his kitchen.
“Have a seat my lady”, he gracefully said as he pulled out a chair.
 “Thank you sir”, I laughed.
We started eating and only shot lovely glares at each other. My tummy was having a plague of butterflies in it. I could just not stop looking at him.
“So what do you want to do today?”, he asked as he cleared the table.
“Are you free?”, I asked.
He turned around and pecked a kiss on my cheek.
“Yes, I am”, he answered with a whisper.
“Well, I was thinking, first we can take a hot shower together. We’ll see what happens after that.”
“I like that idea”, he said and so we did.
After we got dressed we drove to my home in my car. I wanted to change my clothes. It was around noon I think.
“It’s a nice place you have”, he said looking around. Then he bend over to pick up the shirt I threw there last night before I went to him.
“Why is this on the floor”, he asked curious bringing the shirt up to his face.
Just before he could smell it I snatched it out of his hands.
“Oh yeah I was in a rush last night, was home late from uh, work!”, I lied as I quickly threw it into my laundry basket.
I heaved a sigh, that was a close call. He could have smelled Blake’s cologne on it.
“Take a seat baby, I’ll be ready in a few!”, I yelled from my bedroom.
I changed into something else and fixed my hair and make-up a little bit.
Bruno knocked on my door and then opened it.
“Your phone keeps ringing”, he informed me.
“Which o..”, I could swallow the rest of the words just before I would make a slip. “Oh yeah, well if it’s important they will call again”, I said finishing up
“Well, it’s practically ringing the whole time”, he said taking a seat on the edge of my bed.
“I’m ready, let’s go!”, I smiled.
“Shouldn’t you call back? I mean, maybe it’s a new assignment or your mom”, he didn’t drop the subject.
My hands cupped his face and my lips softly pushed on his. Then I stepped back and smiled at him. “Don’t worry about my phone, let’s spend some time together babe!”
I held my hand out and he grabbed it as he got up.
We walked to the front door to leave. Bruno was talking to me but I didn’t hear what he said. My mind was busy trying to find a way to call Blake. I knew it was him.  I told him I’d call him back but I didn’t had any change. Bruno was around me all the time.
“You go ahead baby, I forgot something. I’ll be right there.”
“What did you forget?”
“I.. I need to turn on my washing machine”, another lie left my mouth. It wasn’t the first and it definitely wouldn’t be the last.
“Sure, but hurry okay?”
I walked back in to rush to my phone. I was glad Bruno hadn’t picked it up!
“Why didn’t you answer your phone? I called you a hundred times!”
Blake was not happy…
“I know, Bruno was with me all the time! Listen I’ll come by your apartment tonight okay? I can’t talk right now, I have to go.”
“Yeah, sure, see you tonight”, he said and we hung up.
I left the phone at home to make sure he wouldn’t call me anymore.
Then I rushed downstairs to meet up with Bruno.
“Sorry about that, but I really needed to do that or I would have to walk the streets naked”, I laughed.
“You better don’t. The only one who gets to see you naked is me!”
We walked to Bruno’s place which wasn’t really far from mine.  I thought we were going to his home but instead he told me to get in his car and he drove off. He didn’t want to tell me where we were heading. The only thing he said he had a good idea.
It had to be something good, because every time he surprised me we did something fun.
“We’re almost there, I need you to close your eyes now”, he turned his head to me and winked. Lord, I thought I’d die. I have a weakness for men that wink at me. Especially if it’s Bruno!
I did as he said and closed my eyes. After ten minutes we stopped and I asked if I could open them. He told me to keep them closed until he said I could open them. I heard him leave the car, walk around it and open my door.
He grabbed my hand and lead me out. Holding my hand we walked, I don’t know where we went. I heard people laughing and kids screaming. There was music that was getting louder with every step we made.
This was familiar to me, but I couldn’t place it.
I smelled cotton candy and popcorn and then I knew it.
“Open your eyes”, he said and so I did.
“Tadaaaaaa”, his hands were spread out and his face was full of joy and excitement.
We were at the fair, the exact same fair as where we spend our first date! This guy, I swear I can’t with him sometimes! He is just so freaking romantic!
“Bruno, oh my God! This is where we had our first date!”
He laughed and then kissed me.
“You like it?”
“Yes, I love it!”, I said kissing him again.
The first thing we did was get on the ferris wheel, I remembered him asking to put his arm around me. The thought made me laugh.
“Why are you laughing?”, asked frowning his eyebrows.
The carts were moving up slowly.
“I remembered you asking if you could put your arm around me”, I answered in amusement.
Then he moved a little closer to me and put his arm around me.
“Like this, right?”, said laughing.
“Yeah”, I laughed.
“Do you remember what I said to you at this point, right here?”, he said looking into my eyes. His look was the same as back then, all in love.
I nodded my head, not taking my eyes off his.
“God, you’re so beautiful.”
His hand gently stroke my cheek and then he bend over to kiss me. The wind was making my pony tail dance around. Nothing mattered at this point, there was nothing but us. We didn’t notice the people around us, the surroundings or the view. Our only view was that of each other’s face. There was another butterfly invasion crashing in my stomach.
After the ferris wheel we went to the rollercoaster, screaming our lungs out and laughing like crazy. We had just as much fun as back then.
He put his sunglasses on and we got us some hot dogs.
The funny thing is we did the exact same thing back then. Only we didn’t go to the beach this time.
While we were sitting on a bench, eating our hotdogs, Bruno asked me what my favourite surprise from him was.
“I think the one you took me on a boat trip and we were at that deserted island”, I answered.
“Somehow I knew you were going to say that”, he smirked.
“Duh! How could I not love that one! That boat was amazing!”
We sat there reminiscing about that weekend some more before we got up. Bruno wanted to go to this shooting range, were you can win stuffed animals. He missed the first round.
“I’ll get it, I’ll get it hold on”, he said and then he tried again.
He shot twice and the third time was a hit.
“Aaaaannnnddd we have a winnneerrrrrrrrr!”, the owner yelled.
I kissed Bruno and he got to pick something.
“Here, it’s for you”, he said handing me a huge stuffed gorilla. I thanked him with yet another kiss.
“So what do you have planned now, Mr Fedora hat?”, I asked him tapping his hat.
Before he could answer me a bunch of hysterical girls stormed our way. What the hell was this?
“Oh my God! It’s really him!”
“I.. I … I can’t believe it!”
“Summer, look it’s him!!!”
Bruno stopped and smiled. “I think they know who I am”, he whispered in my ear. I chuckled.
“Hi Bruno”, a brunette greeted him.
“Hello girls, how are you?”, he asked them with a smile.
I stepped to the side a little. Let these girls have their moment.
“Can we please have a picture with you?”, another girl asked as he was hugging her.
“Sure”, he said.
“You know we love your songs so much!”, the brunette said as they were taking the picture.
“Thank you. Make sure you’ll buy my L.P which will come out soon”, he said before saying goodbye.
We saw people looking and talking about him as the bunch of girls walked away chirping about their meeting with Bruno Mars.
It was fun to watch. I had never seen this before. To them it must have meant so much he was taking the time to talk to them and actually taking pictures.
“You know, maybe it’s time to leave”, Bruno said as we noticed more people wanted his attention. “If the press finds out I’m here with you it will be in the papers tomorrow”, he said grabbing my hand.
“That’s fine by me, let’s go.”
We headed back to his car, as the day turned into dusk and the sky was colouring red, orange and a tap of purple. The colours were mixed, just as my feelings were. It was getting a bit chilly too and I didn’t bring a coat with me. We put the gorilla on the back seat and got in.
“Are gonna give it a name?”, Bruno asked as he started the car.
“The gorilla silly, or did you want to name my…”, he pointed at his dick and wiggled his eyebrows. I slapped his arm as we both laughed.
“I think I will name him Peter”, I said after a few minutes.
“What my…?”
“No! The gorilla!”, I laughed at him. “Do you ever think about anything besides sex?”, I asked him still laughing.
He craned his head my way and his eyes twinkled. “No. I mean look at yo foine self baby. You so hawt, it could be freezing twenty degrees outside, with you walking by everything would melt.”
“Hahaha oh my God, Bruno that’s so cheesy”, I laughed.
He winked and then said; “That might be cheesy, but it’s true. You’re so beautiful.”
We were a block away from my apartment when Bruno asked me what we should do for dinner. As much as I wanted to spend the rest of my evening with him, I told him I had to go home. A little disappointed he dropped me off at my place. Before I got in we shared one real long passionate kiss. A kiss which makes you want to ask him inside for another drink. It was hard to walk away from his lips, but I had no other choice.
I waited long enough to be sure Bruno would be gone and then headed downstairs again to drive to the other part of town.
On my way there I picked up some Chinese, I was so hungry!
Blake opened the door and greeted me with a kiss. It felt weird to feel his lips on mine, when not even an hour ago Bruno’s lips were on mine…
I didn’t want to think about it for too long and soon my eyes found their way to his body.
He looked so good, he only wore grey sweat pants, that loosely fell on his hips. His muscled body was a welcoming sight to me. His dark hair was ruffled and still a little wet.
“I brought Chinese food”, I said holding up the back. “I see babe!”, he said lifting me up and kissing me again.
He put me down again and we walked to his living room.
Two glasses of wine were standing on his side table, waiting for us.
“I was hoping you’d bring some food”, he said as he walked to the kitchen to get us some plates. I placed the food on the table.
“Let’s eat!”, he said as he sat down beside me.
“So is everything going as planned? Does he trust you?”
“Yes, I think so”, I answered and took another bite.
“Good”, he placed his plate on the table. “Now I think we can go to the next step.”
I started chewing my food at a slower pace, getting ready for what he was going to say.
“You need to find out how much money he has now and how much he still owns from his record company”, his words slowly entered my mind.
“How on earth must I do that? It’s not like he’s just going to say how much he has earned”, my voice sounding hesitate.
Grabbing my glass of wine, I curled up to him. A million things were going through my head right now. How can I ask him that? It will be so weird.
“You’ll find a way, I’m sure”, Blake said while his fingers stroke my hair.
His lips placed a soft kiss on my head.
“After this is all done, we can go away. Just the two of us. Maybe a long vacation somewhere in Europe”, his voice sounded dreamy.
I felt my body tens up. It was such a twisted thing I was in. It made me tired. All these lies and thoughts and sneaking around.
“Yeah maybe”, I whispered as I rested my head against his chest. His big arms wrapped themselves around me.
“I don’t know if I can do this, Blake.”
He grabbed my wine glass and put it aside. “Sure you can. I know you can baby.”
He stretched his feet on the couch and pulled a blanket to cover our bodies. I snuggled up to him as he rubbed my back. He was so tall and big built he always made me feel safe.
It wasn’t long before I drifted off to sleep. I was so tired.

I opened my eyes. I was in a hotel room I think. My eyes had a hard time focusing. I heard some stumbling and a horrible smell of liquor, sweat and cigarettes filled my nose. I felt someone grabbing my arm while yelling at me. I just couldn’t hear what was said. The voice sounded familiar, but I couldn’t place it.
“Biiiiittch…Loook at me when I talk tooo youuu!”
Then a sharp feeling shot through my face, my heartbeat was rising and I noticed myself falling. Barely brave enough to look up, the picture of the person in front of me got sharper. He lifted his arm and something shattered into a thousand pieces next to me on the wall. I looked again and I saw who he was…Bruno.

“Shhhhh. Baby, wake up.” His hands were stroking my back softly.
“It’s okay. You’re safe”, his voice whispered.
With my heartbeat still going as fast as a hard rock beat, I opened my eyes. Drips of sweat were mixed with tears. Early beams of sunlight snuck into the living room. It took me a few minutes to realize where I was.
Then I heard Blake’s voice again.
“Don’t cry baby. I’ll protect you”, his voice sounded soft and sweet.
As I tried to sit up a little bit I noticed we were still on the couch. We must have fell asleep last night.
“Did you had a nightmare, sweetie?”, he asked as he lifted me on his lap.
Then I remembered my dream, or nightmare actually. I burst out in tears and let my head rest against his chest. He put his masculine arms around me, to comfort me.
When I calmed down a bit I told him about the nightmare I had. That’s when I realized again why I was doing all of this to Bruno. I must never forget what started this shenanigan! The nightmare was so real, it had me off the whole day.
“Do you want me to make you dinner or do you want to go out and eat?”, he asked me as we were cuddling in bed.
I stared out of the window, looking at the sky. It was my favourite time of day, on one sight you could see the sun set, making the sky look like a live painting with all these beautiful colours. Looking the other way, bright stars would appear, looking like a million romantic Christmas lights against a black background.
“Hmm, sorry. Did you say something sweetie?”, I said turning my head towards him.
“Do you want to go out to eat or do you want me to make you something?”, he asked as our fingers entwined.
“Let’s go out. It’s going to be a beautiful night”, I said.

A little later we sat at a restaurant eating our dinner. For the first time in days we didn’t talk about our plan. We were just talking about the future and the things we wanted to do with our lives.
We were sitting in a corner where I had a good view on the entrance and surprisingly my eyes caught sight of someone I knew.
It was Phil! If he saw me here with Blake I would have a lot of explaining to do. I needed to get out of here now.
“Baby, let’s have desert at home?”
“Why? Something wrong? You don’t like the food?”, his voice showing concern.
“It’s not that, I’m just tired”, I said with a small smile.
“Well, sure baby. I’ll ask for the bill”, he said as he snapped his fingers for a waiter.
It seemed to take forever before someone came back with the bill. I was fidgeting the whole time, until we could leave.
I made sure I stayed on Blake’s right sight, as Phil would not notice me.
For one micro second I thought he saw me, but before I could find out we were already outside, getting into his car.
We just got home as I got a call; Bruno.
“Hey sweet cheeks”, he said as I picked up.
“Hi baby”, I said putting my finger on my lips as I looked at Blake. Mimicking Bruno’s name with my lips.
I walked off to the terrace and closed the door.
“What’s up?”
It stayed quiet on the other side.
“We need to talk. Are you free tomorrow?”, he said with a very serious tone in his voice.
“Yeah, yeah sure…”
“Okay, I’ll be at your place a little after lunch time”, he said.
“Okay baby, goodnight.”

Bruno Mars | Natalie, the untold story (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now