Edit of chapter 5

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Author's note:

Sorry guys this chapter is an edit on the real chapter. If you want to read it you'll have to follow me.. 
There is nothing I can do and it's pissing me off...I get so sad that this isn't working the way I want it to work.
I still hope you guys will keep following me and this story!!

Chapter 5

The sex dragon

This past weekend has been so crazy! I never knew love and sex could be this good. I mean I once knew, but I kinda forgot all about that. It was as if I floated on the wings of love. Bruno made me feel like a true Goddess! He definitely knows how to treat a woman. He makes me feel like no one has ever done, he does things for me no one has ever done!
He really treats me like his princess and I love every bit of it!
When I arrived at work that monday Sarah was eager to hear everything that happened that weekend. I didn't really had a chance to tell her anything, due to the fact I was with Bruno until Sunday evening. When I got home he tired  me out so much, I immediately fell asleep when my head hit my pillow. I giggled at the thought of that.
"So tell me everything! I want to know every detail!!", Sarah yelled as I walked in. "Iewl!!", I yelled back. "Okay, okay not every detail, but tell me. How was it, how was he?", she questioned when we sat down. There was no one at the diner but us. We were really early, so we could talk without the boys interrupting and annoying us. "Oh Sarah, it was so good! Perfect I guess. When I got to his home, which is fab by the way, I saw he had lit candles everywhere. The table was set for us to eat. He had some good wine and he made me some Hawaiian dish", I told her gazing away at the thought of that evening. "Hawaiian?", she asked raising her eyebrows. "Yes, he is originally from Hawaii. His mother learnt him how to cook some things", I told her. She nodded her head with understanding. "So after dinner we went to watch a movie", I continued my story. "Which one?" My cheeks turned a little red. "I don't know...", I said carefully looking away from her eyes that had me locked. She began to laugh. "You Horney little bitch!" "Am not! He shouldn't look and smell so seductive", I said with an innocent smile. She giggled. "So how was the fucking?", she asked all of a sudden. "The hell Sarah!", I yelled at her. She gave me a look, like 'what'? "When you say it like that it sounds so nasty!" "Oh come on, stop acting like a baby." "Well, let me tell you one thing, he didn't make love to me..", I said with a naughty smile. "See there comes the fucking", she said to me. "Okay, okay, we fucked. Damn, he fucked my brains out! God, I think we had sex 4 times yesterday. I was so tired when I got home", I said to her. Her jaw dropped and she looked at me with big eyes. "What?", I said and shrugged my shoulders.  "Like you and Alex never did that when you guys first got together", I said to her. "True", she answered. We heard the backdoor and someone yell; "Good morning bitches!" "Kevin", we said at the same time. We began to prepare the diner, it was almost opening time. With summer season on it's way, more people seemed to find it. A lot of tourists also.
The day went by real fast and at the end of the day I was glad I still had some feeling left in my feet. When we closed up we all decided to have a drink and talk some more. Just when we sat down my phone rang.
"Hi honey", it sounded on the other side. "Hey  baby", I said. "You finished working?", Bruno asked. "Yes, we are here sitting with each other, drinking and talking. "That sounds nice. I wondered if you wanted to grab a bite?", he asked. "Yes! I would love to", I answered, I could just feel my eyes started to sparkle. I looked at Sarah who made crazy faces and kissing air kisses. I stuck up my middle finger to her. She just smirked. "Then that's settled!" "Do you, by any chance want to come over to my place? I'll cook us some diner or we could order something?", I asked hesitating. "I would love to see your place! I'll be there in an hour. Bye sweetheart!", he said and I said goodbye and we hang up. "Sorry guys, gotta leave! See ya'll tomorrow! Love yaaaa!", I yelled as I walked away blowing a handkiss to them. "Don't fuck to much! We need you fresh tomorrow!", Sarah yelled to me. I just waved and left. Before I closed the backdoor I heard Kevin say; "They fucked?!" I smirked because I totally knew how his face looked when he said that. 
When I got home I cleaned up the house in no time. I took a quick shower and put my favourite skirt and a tank top on. I didn't wore any shoes, I loved walking on my bare feet. Just when I was ready I heard my doorbell ring. I walked over to my door and there he was. And yes, with his fedora hat, God I wanted to rip that stupid hat of his head! He looked at me, his brown eyes penetrating mine, smiling a little bit, showing off his unbelievably sexy dimples! When he does that I really can't handle. My legs start to feel numb and I really need to hold on to something. I felt butterflies all through my stomach. "Hey there hottie! Are you going to let me in or do I have to stand here all day?", he asked gently brushing my hair behind my ear. His head came close to mine. "I missed you beside me last night", he whispered in my ear. His sweet soft voice send chills down my spine. My heart beating fast, what does this man do to me?! I let him in and showed him around my house. He saw my piano stand in the left corner, next to my dining table. He walked over to it and started playing. Then he did something I didn't expect him to do. He started singing. His words were a lust for my ears. His voice was smooth like velvet and his fingers easily danced over they keys. 

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