What are you doing?

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Chapter 32

What are you doing?

Bruno dropped me off at my work and went away. I was glad nobody was asking me questions. This was the second week Bruno dropped me off and was picking me up again. I had no idea what he did while I was at work.
After he would pick me up we would go home and have dinner or if I was late he would drop me off at college and pick me up after my last class.
My mind was kind of off today. It was like I was on autopilot. I just did my job, without thinking about it. Normally I would make fun with our customer or laugh with my co-workers but not today. I had a weird feeling and it didn’t go away.
Bruno picked me up after work and dropped me off at my classes. People there had noticed a difference around me. Some of them asked me if I was okay or if something happened in my family or if someone got sick. But I just told them it was rough working and studying. I didn’t want anybody to know how controlling Bruno had become. Around other people we would act all in love, like nothing was going on. Even around and Ari.
Making love was to him was hard for me, I felt so alienated from him. But I was scared that if I would reject him he would get mad.
After my last class I went outside as usual to wait for Bruno. He wasn’t there yet so I decided to smoke a cigarette while I was waiting. I searched for my lighter in my back.
“Hey Natalie! Here, you dropped this!”
I looked up while I lighted my cigarette and there was John. Oh no, not now.
“Please go away. Please. Before he sees you”, I thought to myself.
But John didn’t go away. He gave me back my pen and started some small talk. Then I saw Bruno pull up and get out of his car. I walked up to him, to make sure he wasn’t going to put up a scene.
When I got close to him he pulled my arm. “What are you doing with that man, huh?! I thought I told you not to talk to any men!”, he whispered through gritted teeth. He pulled me to his car and demanded for me to take a seat. I didn’t even got a chance to explain it to him. He got in and drove off.
“Bruno, I didn’t even wanted to talk to him. I was just standing there, smoking and then he gave me my pen back. I was waiting for you. I know what you told me.”
I dropped my bag on the dining table and prepared myself for some homework. I had some things to prepare and some assignments to make.
Bruno walked after me and slammed his fist on the table. The chandelier that was on the table fell down and my books jumped up a little and then landed down again. I lifted my eyes up to him, my heart pounding in my chest.
“Don’t you think you mean anything. You’re not smart enough to pass this. You won’t reach anything in your life. Just know that.”
After that being said he walked away and put on the TV. I took a few deep breaths and started my homework.
I think it was after midnight when I was finally finished with it. I was so tired that I went to bed immediately.

That next day I only had to work half the day. Or that’s what Bruno was thinking. I had this whole thing planned out. He would take me to work, but as soon as he would leave I would follow him. I asked Brian to lend me his car and told him he would have it back before he had to go home. I was glad he wasn’t asking me any questions.
Bruno dropped me off and I left again at the back and followed his ways. He told me that morning he was seeing his therapist and I was hoping he would.
The way he took made it seem he did, but where he should’ve gone left, he went right. I was really wondering what he was going to do.
He stopped at a little diner and parked his car. I stayed in a distance and waited until he came out again. I was a little lost in my thoughts when a knock on my window startled me. I looked at my side and I saw Phil’s head smiling at me. I turned my window down and took my sunglasses off.
“Hi Nat. What are you doing here”, he asked me while he leaned on the car. I gave him a little smile. “Nothing special. But I can’t really talk right now. I’m sorry”, I said to him. I tried my best not to look nervous.
“Are you sure you okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine.” My eyes wandered off to the diner. Still no sign of Bruno. I needed to get rid of Phil. If Bruno saw me he would lose his mind.
“We still on for this weekend?”, he asked while looking at the same direction I was staring at.
“Uh.. yeah. Yeah sure. I guess so. I mean..” Then I saw Bruno in the corner of my eye walking out of the diner and get into his car.
Phil frowned his eyebrows and looked at me puzzled.
“You sure you okay? You seem kind of nervous. Is this even your car? I thought you didn’t have a car anymore?”, he asked while he examined the car.
“Yeah I fine. And no this is not mine. It’s from a friend, I could borrow it. But Phil, I’m sorry I have to go. I’ll talk to you later okay?”, I said and pulled up the window. I smiled at him and waved before I drove off.
“Damn it! Where did he go?”, I said to myself. I drove around for a while but I couldn’t find Bruno. My eyes caught the time and I realized I had to go back to the diner to be there before Bruno would.
When I got there I was just in time to put the car back and thank Brian for borrowing it to me. I walked to the front and just when I walked out Bruno pulled up to take me to college.
“How was your afternoon?”, I asked him while I kissed his cheek. “Fine baby, thanks. And yours? How was work?”
I lied that it was fine. I prayed to God Phil wouldn’t tell him he saw me.
“We have some time to get something to eat before I need to be in class. Do you want to go somewhere?”, I asked him.
“Sure, where do you want to go?”, he said while he pulled up to the road.
“Let’s have some taco’s”, I said with a grin.
He grinned back at me and he drove to Taco Bell. I knew he liked taco’s. I wasn’t hungry at all, I was too nervous to actually eat.
We ordered our food and it almost seemed like we were a normal couple. For just a few short moments I felt like there was nothing going on. It was like we were that happy couple across our seats who were eating each other’s diners of their plates. Or the couple next to us who were more interested in exploring each other’s mouth then their food.
“Are you done baby? I have class in half an hour. I want to be early today, I need some things to prepare”, I said to him.
“Sure, I’ll take my drink to go”, he said with a sweet smile. His dimples made a short appearance on his face. I watched him walk away and I wished he could be like this forever. I wished he could be the Bruno he was when he took me on that birthday boat trip. I was still attracted to him but his actions made me scared. He wasn’t the man I fell in love with anymore.
So badly I wanted to put my hands through his need hair, look in his eyes and kiss his perfect shaped lips. But I just couldn’t anymore.
When we stopped at the parking lot in front of my college building he grabbed my arm and he looked me in my eyes. A serious look, no smile, no sparkle in his eyes and no dimples.
“If I pick you up, I don’t want to see you with anyone. Understood?”
I jerked my arm away from him and gave him a look.
His face made an expression that I shouldn’t fuck with him. I got out and slammed the door. What was this guy thinking?
He waited until I disappeared into the building. When I saw he left I walked over to Brian and got in his car. He got out and gave me the keys. “Be back on time. I have to go somewhere later”, he said. I knew what he meant. He had a one night stand again, a girl he met at the diner. It wasn’t the first time he did that. “You need to get a serious relation man. You’re almost thirty”, I said and got in his car. He threw up his middle finger and I laughed.
There I was again, following my boyfriend around, to see what he was up to.
Even though it got dark I knew where he was going. He headed for the strip and parked his car in front of a casino. I watched him until I saw him get in there. Then I looked for a place to park the car and sat there.
What was I to do… I needed to see if he was really going to gamble. I looked for my sunglasses and put on a hat.
With my heartbeat rising I walked up to the casino. I showed my I.D.  and searched for Bruno. I saw him at a poker table. He seemed very relaxed, smiling and laughing like there was no tomorrow. In front of him was a glass which I guess, contained some kind of alcoholic beverage. In his hands there were a set of cards and there were some woman hovering around him.
I looked for a place where he couldn’t see me, but where I could see him. Next to a few tables behind him I found a couch. I took a seat and just watched his actions. Although I didn’t really got why he went here, there was nothing really going on. Maybe he didn’t do this every night. Maybe this was the first time he did this. After I sat there for an hour I decided to leave. Nothing weird was going on and I needed to get back before he did.
I sneaked out of the casino and called Brian to tell him he could come get his car. I parked it and Brian walked up to me.
“Have fun having meaningless sex!”, I said and threw his keys at him.
“Yeah, yeah whatever”, he said with a grin and drove off.
I run up the stairs to the doors and waited until Bruno showed up.
During the day I couldn’t follow him around. I need the money to pay for my college. But I could follow him around a few nights.  
Every night he would go back to the casino. The other night there was a woman who sat next to Bruno. I think they were flirting but  I wasn’t really sure. I couldn’t stay to see what would happen unfortunately.
On Friday something else happened. I sat at the exact same spot as the other nights. Bruno was at the poker table again, but after I think half an hour a this woman, who I saw the other night, showed up. She walked up to him and when he saw her he stood up and gave her a kiss. I had to keep myself from fainting, crying and screaming at the same time. In the meanwhile I told myself to keep breathing.
After I calmed down I saw this woman had taken a seat next to him and he ordered her a drink. Every once in a while he would whisper something in her ear and I would see her smile a little shyly.
What the hell was going on?! What was he doing??
As the minutes passed I saw his hand resting on her back. He looked at her a few times, slightly smiling and showing off his sexy dimples! I saw her looking at him with lust. I could rip her fucking eyes out! On the other hand, she probably didn’t know he had a girlfriend…
Not long before I had to get back I saw them walking off to the bathrooms. I know it wasn’t a smart thing to do, but I just had to follow them!
I got up to the bathrooms and I could see her closing the door to the ladies room. When I wanted to get a little closer, I saw Bruno’s head sticking out of the door and looking around. Probably checking if no one saw them. When he closed the door again, I sneaked up to them. I needed to hear what was going in on there.
I think if anyone would measure my heartbeat right now it would go through the roof. My palms were sweaty and my knees were weak. Slowly and as quiet as I could be I walked up to the bathroom door. I stopped when I reached it and stood against the wall, trying to control my back. My ears were making over time, trying to hear what was going on. It was kind of hard to hear so I put my ear against the door. I could hear them laugh. Then it was quiet again. If I listened close I could hear Bruno’s voice, she would laugh and then it went quiet again (kissing?).
I got to greedy and put my hand against the door, but then something happened that you really don’t want to happen doing this. I felt like everything went in slow motion. I lost my grip and the door opened, my hands broke my fall and I think I twisted my ankle bursting into the bathroom. I could see Bruno’s hands on the butt of this mystery woman and her lips were locked until they saw me. Bruno’s eyes met mine, then my eyes met her and then they met up with Bruno’s again.
He threw this woman a side and there he stood. This was so awkward! I got up as normal as I could and faced Bruno’s furious look…

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