Small steps

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Chapter 7

Small steps

“No! Please”, I screamed. Trying to avoid a beer bottle. “You filthy little whore! What, you think I didn’t know?”, he screamed. He pulled my hair and dragged me down the hallway. “Please, stop! I didn’t cheat, I swear!”, I yelled through my tears. “Shut up, you piece of shit!”, he screamed and his fist hit my head. My hands reached out for my head and I tried to avoid his fists. They were coming down hard and fast, there was no time avoiding them. He beat me until I couldn’t see no more with one eye and couldn’t get up. He kicked my stomach and said “You’re nothing! Nobody wants you, you stupid fuck!” I cringed at his words and the overwhelming pain. “You know bitch, one day I will kill you! Better believe that!”, he said kicking me again. “You make me so mad”, he dragged me by my hair and threw me against the wall in the bedroom. My head hit a cabinet and he started punching my face again. Blood coming from my mouth, everything was sore and hurting. “You’re so stupid, you know that?”, he hit me again and after that I passed out.
When I woke up he was no were to be found. I crawled over to the bathroom, I had bruises everywhere. I could barely stand, but I needed to see my face. My right eye was swollen and bruised, I couldn’t open it. My left eye was red and my whole face was swollen. I had blood everywhere and my bottom lip was thorn. I needed stitches. My head hurt like hell, so was my stomach. I decided to get undressed and take a shower.

I sat up straight and touched my lip. I was covered in sweat.  “Oh thank God! It was all a nightmare”, I thought to myself. I was alright, he couldn’t hurt me anymore. My Jack jumped on my bed and I started to pet him. He always knew when I was upset. He snored really loud and laid on his back, paws up. I scratched his belly, which he always loved.
I didn’t know how long I slept, it must have been a while. I was so tired, everything that happened made me tired.
I unlocked my phone and there were a bunch of messages from Bruno. They all said the same thing, he wanted to talk, he was sorry, he didn’t want to break up… I couldn’t deal with that right now. I had myself to take care of. And I made myself one promise; I would never let anybody hit me ever again! After I finally got the nerve to leave Vincent, I promised myself no man would ever hurt me like that again. Bruno had gone too far and I didn’t know if I was able to forgive him for that. I know I loved him, I loved him with all my heart, but this, this was too much.
My phone rang again, but this time it wasn’t Bruno, it was Phil calling me. I decided to take the call. I liked Phil, he was always so relaxed, calm and understanding. Always saying the right words.
“Hello”, I said answering my phone. “Hi sweetie, Phil here”, he said. “He Phil, how are you?”, I asked politely. ”I’m fine, but Bruno isn’t”, he said. I sighed. “I don’t know what went down, but can’t you talk to him?”, he asked me. “Listen Phil, I told him we shouldn’t see each other for a while. I need time”, I told him. “He is really hurt, he can’t stop thinking about you. He’s even crying”, Phil said, his voice sounded worried. “I know, but I can’t deal with him. He knows why and if he loves me, he will leave me alone. I understand why you are calling me, but please don’t do it again. If I want to talk to him, I will call him. But don’t let him get his hopes up. I have to go now, bye Phil”, I said and after that I hung up. I know this wasn’t very nice of me, but Phil needs to back off. If he only knew what happened he wouldn’t have called me. I didn’t want him to know and I guess Bruno didn’t tell him either.
I got up from the bed and decided to take a walk on the beach. I covered up my bruise with some make up and went away.
The warmth of the sun and wind blowing through my hair felt good. I stopped and stared at the ocean. It was so weird, not waking up next to Bruno, not hearing his sweet voice whispering in my ear. Not having his arms holding me tight and his beautiful eyes penetrating mine.
Not making love to him, but he just hurt me so bad. I never would have thought he would call me names, let alone lay a hand on me. Too much have happened before he came into my life and I just didn’t knew if I could forgive him, trust him again. I walked around until it got dark.
When I got home there were more messages from Bruno, voicemails and texts. I decided to ignore them, I didn’t want to speak to him until I knew what I wanted to do.
I went to bed early, I didn’t want to call in sick at work.
“Morning”, I said and walked over to the bar, getting my stuff. “You’re late”, Brian yelled. “I know, but I am here now, right?”, I said and got to work.
In our break Sarah came over to me. “Are you alright honey?”, she said, looking worried. “I’m fine”, I said staring into nothing. “What’s that on your face?”, she asked looking at my cheek. “Oh it’s nothing, I bumped into my door. I’m so clumsy sometimes”, I said faking a laugh. “I know you are”, Sarah said. “Let’s get back to work.” I was so glad she didn’t notice anything and didn’t ask anything about Bruno. I just wanted to work and get clear my mind.
“There is something. Tell me”, Sarah said as she walked me home. “I am just tired okay?”, I said to her. “Come on girl, I know you. You know it and I know it, just tell me”, she said putting her arm around my shoulders. “Bruno and I decided to take a little break”, I said and my eyes went all teary again. Fuck, what’s with the tears all the time. “Stop crying”, I thought to myself. “What? Why?”, she yelled. “Did he cheat on you? If he did, I will kick his little ass!”, she yelled. I laughed, Sarah was like the big sister I never had. “No he didn’t cheat on me”, I answered. “You sure?”, she asked looking at me. “Yes, Sarah I am sure.” “But what happened?”, she asked while we were sitting down on a bench in front of my home. I lighted a cigarette. “You got to stop that shit”, she said to me giving me a look of disgust. “I don’t want to talk about it”, I said staring at the people who walked by. “Are you sure? I mean, you guys are so good together! Bruno seems like such a good man. I really thought he was making you  happy”.  “He does, but I just need some time. Maybe I will tell you later.” For a while we just sat there. I put my head on Sarah’s shoulder. That’s why I loved her. She was just there, she didn’t push me to tell her anything. She would just listen, not saying anything. She put a kiss on my head and told me she had to leave.
I got home, I should have been making diner but I didn’t. I wasn’t hungry.
The following days went the same. I got to work and went to bed. Sarah made sure I ate something at work, knowing I wouldn’t eat when I was home.

It has almost been a week that I didn’t speak to Bruno. After a few days he gave up and stopped harassing me.
Sarah finally convinced me to call him. I waited until Saturday. I walked around nervously. Waiting for him to answer his phone. “Baby! Oh my god! I am so glad you called!”, he said when he picked up his phone. “Hi. So I.. Uhm.. I want to meet up. To talk. Meet me at the pier at 5 okay?”, I said to him, my voice shaking. “Sure I will be there! I love you”, he said. “Okay, bye”, I said and hung up.
I wore a light skinny jeans, with a light blue shirt. I put on a crème jacket and my black Converse. I didn’t put on any make up. My bruise was almost gone and my lip was okay already.
When I walked upon the pier I saw him standing there already. He wore a black suit, it looked stunning on him! He held a red rose in his hand. I walked up to him.  “Hi baby, this is for you”, he said with a shy smile, giving me the rose. “Hi, thank you”, I said and took the rose from him. I smelled it, it smelled good. “Shall we go to a restaurant, I know a nice one”, I said to him. “Yes let’s do that”, he said and we walked up there in silence. Neither of us knew what to say, I guess.
We took place in the back of the restaurant, so we had some privacy. I was glad it wasn’t very busy, so we could talk without getting distracted.
“So”, we said at the same time. We laughed, a little awkward. “Go ahead”, he said politely. “Thank you”, I said and took a sip of my wine. “Look Bruno, I… I don’t know where to start..”, I paused for a few seconds. I took and deep breath and went on. He grabbed my hand, with his hands. “Just take your time baby”, he said, trying to comfort me. “You hurt me really bad. You don’t know how it felt, you saying those words to me. Being so angry, drunk and…” I took another deep breath, he looked sad. “Hitting me… You hit me Bruno. Bruising my face and hurting my lip…” We were silent for a few minutes. Then he whispered; “I know baby.” “I never, in a million years would have thought you would do something to me. I thought I could trust you, I thought you loved me? Then why would you hurt me like that?”, I said shaking my head and looking outside the window. “I am an asshole for doing that. When I got home and saw you, broken..”, he stopped and now it was his time to take a deep breath. “You have no idea how it felt. I hated myself for doing that to you. For yelling at you, calling you names and… that I hit you. I didn’t knew what to do when I saw you. All I knew is I wanted to make it right”, he said still holding my hand. “I get that, I will forgive you. I can see the pain in your eyes and I see you are hurt too. But I can’t forget this. We need to take things slow. Trust has to be built again”, I said to him. His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree when I said that. “You don’t know how that makes me feel”, he said smiling and showing those sexy dimples again. I smiled at him and I knew we could make this work again. “It takes time for these wounds to heal”, I said taking a bite from my food. “I know, I don’t want to rush anything. We take slow steps”, he said. I nodded and went on eating. We sat there for a while, he told me what went down at the record company. “They said my music was to unorthodox. They didn’t know how they would sell it”, he told. “That’s ridiculous! Music shouldn’t be placed into categories. It’s an art form. You should be able to make any kind of music you want. Not being restrained to a certain thing”, I said to him. “I know right!” “I am sure you will make it one day. Just keep believing in your music. You are so talented, don’t let anybody ever tell you, you aren’t”, I said to him holding his hand. “You are so sweet Natalie, you know that?”
After we finished our diner we both went our ways.
I called Sarah to tell her about our meeting and we were sort of back together. She screamed so hard I had to put the phone away from my ear, or I would have gone deaf. I was happy, she was so happy for me.
And I was also happy Bruno and I were trying to make it work. I loved him and wouldn’t want him out of my life. I needed him there, he was everything to me. Although the thought of him treating me wrong again made me feel scared I just had to believe him. I had to believe he wouldn’t do this again.
If I wouldn’t, our relationship would not work and I wanted it to work so bad. I knew he wanted it to work to. So, what could go wrong?

Author's note: Sorry for this chapter, it's a bit short. I hope you liked it. Feel free to leave a comment:) Omg I just saw I almost reached 200 readers! Thank you guys so much for reading this fanfiction!!!

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