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Chapter 51

"So there he is, Mr. Famous", Blake spit out sarcastically.
"Where is Natalie?", Bruno's raspy voice spoke.
He looked like he hadn't had sleep for 3 weeks; bags under his eyes, hair all messed up and his clothes were looking like he got them from a homeless guy along the way.
"Don't worry about that little bitch. She's fine", Blake spit out.
"Just give us the money, Bruno!", Sarah yelled.
"Shut up you stupid bitch!", Bruno screamed at her.
Blake walked up to Bruno, still pointing the gun at him. He stopped right in front of him, pushing the gun against Bruno's head.
I thought he would be scared, but it looked like he didn't give a damn. He was standing there like a badass, not giving any fuck.
"If I were you, I'd be very careful with what comes out of my mouth", Blake threatened.
"I don't care if you shoot me. I lost everything I care about already anyway." He shrugged and the words came out without any emotion.
Oh my God, what did I do to him?!
"Brunoooo!!! Nooooooo!!!", I screamed and ran away from Phil.
"Natalie, noooo!!", Phil screamed trying to stop me.
"Natalie!!!", Bruno yelled.
Sarah pulled my hair and tried to hold me down.
In just a fraction of a second Blake turned around. I heard a loud bang and almost in slow motion I saw Phil get shot. His body hit the hard floor and he was moaning. He screamed and moaned grabbing his knee.
"Just a warning to not fuck with me!"
"Let me go!", I screamed wiggling in Sarah's arms.
"You motherfucker! You shot my best friend!", Bruno yelled. He was so mad, he was not being himself.
As Blake wasn't paying any attention Bruno pulled a gun from his back pocket.
"Let her go Sarah", he said pointing the gun at Blake.
"Blake drop the fucking gun", Bruno yelled.
Slowly Blake turned around and tossed the gun at Bruno's feet. He held his hands up.
I was still trying to wiggle out of Sarah's grasp. With all the strength I had I freed myself and punched her in the face a few times. She went down moaning.
Without any hesitation Bruno pointed the gun at her and shot her in her back.
She screamed and Blake yelled; "YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!"
Bruno directly pointed the gun at Blake again.
I ran over to Bruno. But he didn't even gave me a look.
"I'm so glad you're here", I cried. "I'm so sorry I got you into this mess."
He still didn't look at me. His face was hardened and his gaze was focused on Blake the whole time, while still having him at gun point.
"Maybe I gave you the wrong answer."
His face shot up at me and a short twinkle was showed in his eyes.
"BRUNO!", Phil yelled. He saw Blake grab the gun from the floor.
Bruno pushed me away and at that moment he shot Bruno in his arm.
I screamed and saw Bruno grabbing his arm, moaning.
Bruno hid behind some rubble. Blake was taking cover behind a small wall.
"Bruno, that bitch you're so desperate to protect was going to steal your money!"
"Shut up!", I yelled.
"She was going to frame you, you should kill her instead of me!"
"No, Blake, shut the fuck up!", I panicked.
"She hates your ass for beating her up so many times!"
This wasn't looking good for me.
"Natalie, is this true?", Bruno yelled.
"Yes, I'm sorry Bruno! But my feelings got back when we started dating again!"
"You fucking lair!", Bruno screamed at me.
"No! No you have to believe me!"
At the moment Blake ran away from his hiding place and was shooting at Bruno.
Bruno got up from behind the rubble and pointed his gun at the ceiling. He shot a few times and a loud noise filled the whole room.
A bunch of boxes that were tied up to the ceiling, came falling down. Blake screamed as the boxes almost totally buried him.
I couldn't believe he actually did that.
Phil was still hurt on the floor, following our every move.
My heart was beating fast, adrenaline pumping through my body rapidly.
Bruno went over to Phil.
"Are you alright bro?"
Phil looked at him, still holding his leg.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. It's just a scratch", he breathed heavily. Getting his hand off the wound. It didn't look good at all.
Bruno walked over to Blake, checking if he was actually dead.
He bent down and checked him. His head was facing us and he made a sliding mark with his hand to his throat; Blake was gone.
Bruno got up again and wanted to walk back to us. Then we heard a loud bang.
Out of nowhere Blake grabbed his gun and shot Bruno in his back.
Bruno felt down groaning loudly.
I was so in shock, I didn't know what to do.
With his last strength Bruno grabbed his gun and shot Blake in his head.
I grabbed the bag with the money and walked over to Phil.
When I got to him I saw in the corner of my eye that Bruno had passed out and Phil was looking at me.
His eyes were those of an abandoned puppy, trying to find a new owner.
"Natalie, help us", he whispered.
"I'm sorry Phil. But this is what I need to start over again", I said and gave them one last look.
Then I turned around with the bag and walked away.
I ran over to Bruno's car, threw the bag on the passenger seat and drove off.


One and half year later

The sun is burning on my hot skin. The waves are crashing against the shore and on the background some relaxing music is playing.
I reposition myself in my seat and put my sunglasses on.
It was a lovely day today and I was enjoying myself on the beach.
"Your cocktail Miss Calender."
I looked to my side, a waiter was standing next to me holding up a tray with a cocktail on it.
"Thank you, sir", I said grabbing it from the tray.
I took a sip from it and put it on the table next to me. I could get used to this.
I was finally living the life I wanted; carefree and happy.
No Bruno around to fuck up anything.
For a moment I wondered what he was up to now. There was just one moment I actually wondered if he was mad at me for walking out on him and Phil like that. But that was just after I arrived here.
After that, I didn't let him affect me anymore. I was done with that life and I had built up a new life here.
I closed my eyes and put myself in full relax mode.
A new song came on and the beat was killing it. The singer sounded fantastic.
I wondered who it was.

She ran away with all my money!
And she did it for fun.
She's probably out there thinking it's funny.
Telling everyone.
I'm digging a ditch, for this gold digging bitch.
Watch out, she's quick.
Look out for a pretty little thing named
If you see here, tell her I'm coming.
She better run!

I shot up and ripped my sunglasses from my head as I heard the chorus.
That son of a bitch wrote a song about me! Well, I'll be damned!
I felt myself getting angry.
"Oh, so Bruno, you're dragging me down in a song huh!", I mumbled under my breath.
"Well, let me tell you this. I will make sure that everyone will know MY side of the story!"
I grabbed my bag and pulled out my phone. As the song was still playing I opened up a note pad and started typing words rapidly.
"This isn't over yet, Peter Hernandez!"

Looking back, I know I did the right thing....


First of all a BIG THANK YOU TO ALL OF MY READERS! THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH FOR READING, VOTING AND COMMENTING ON THIS STORY! Without you guys I would have never finished this fanfic.

I'm very sad this is the end of Natalie, the untold story. I will surely miss all of your tweets and comments about this story. I know I caused so much frustration, tears and heartache but to speak on Natalie's behalf, I had to tell this story;)

Special thanks to the love of my life, my soulmate, my everything; my boyfriend.

He came up with the plot for this story and without his creative mind I would have never been able to write this succesfull fanfic. He is my creative director.

Baby, thank you so much for standing by my side, supporting me and helping me get through some tough writers blocks! I don't know what I would have done without you!

I might start a new fanfic, but please give me some time!

If you guys would like to read some of my other works, I have a nover under the name; ShatteredKiss. It's called 'You'll never have me'. Some of you are already reading this.

I would love for you guys to support me on that one too.

Thank you all so much for all the love you have shown me; it's unreal!!

And to Bruno, cause without our King I would have never even began to write this fanfic.

Thank you Bruno!! You are my inspiration and motivation!!

I love you all!!!!

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