Miami Blues (Pt. 1)

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Chapter 9

 Miami Blues

Bruno called me and said he had a surprise for me. He didn’t want to say what it was, but the only thing he said was that I had to pack a suitcase and take my passport. I would meet him at his place. We would go away for the weekend, that’s what I knew, we needed some time together after everything that has happened these last months. I was really looking forward to it, even though I didn’t know where we were headed.
I asked Sarah to look after Jack and after I packed everything I left to go to Bruno’s place. 

“Hi baby!”, I called as I entered his house. “Hey babe! You ready?”, he asked while approaching me. “I think I am”, I said and gave him a kiss. “Turn around baby”, he said. “Why?”, I asked as I turned around. “Now, close your eyes...” I did as he asked and closed my eyes. “Alright”, he said and all of a sudden I felt he put something on my face. It got dark, now I really couldn’t see a thing. My hands touched the soft fabric. “What is this? What are you doing?”, I asked while my hands still were trying to figure out what was on my face. “There you go”, he said and I felt him tying a knot. “Does it hurt you?”, he asked, I could feel him moving around me. “No.. Am I blinded folded?”, I asked moving my head around. He laughed, God I must be looking so stupid! “Yup! I don’t want you to know where we are going!”,  he answered and I could just feel him smirk. “The fuck Bruno! Why would you do that?”, I yelled and try to hit him, but of course I missed. He laughed again. “Aaaw baby you look so cute!” “Ha…ha…”, I said sarcastically. He grabbed my hand and made me follow him. “You better not make me hit something with my head now!” “Natalie, you think I don’t know what I’m doing?”, he said and he sat me down on his couch. “You stay right here, don’t move. I’ll put our stuff in the car.” I crossed my arms and said; “Very funny Bruno!”  I heard him laugh again as his footsteps faded away. I heard the door open and then close again. After a few minutes the door opened again and I heard him get the rest of the stuff.
“So, now is there something I’m forgetting?”, he said. Very annoying! “Well uuh…your girlfriend?”, I said still having my arms crossed. “Aaah, thank you!”, he said and I felt him picking me up in his arms. “Bruno! The hell are you doing now?”, I said and wiggling to get out of his grip. “Stop that! If you don’t stop I’ll drop you and you get hurt”, he said and I stopped wiggling. “Okay, I’m putting you down now, just wait until I say you can walk. I’ll grab your hand so you won’t bump into something”, he told me and I heard the sound of the elevator. He guided me in the elevator and after I heard the doors close I could feel we were heading down. Out of nowhere his lips were on mine. His tongue caressed my lips and I willingly opened them up for him. This was kind of sexy! I felt my lower body warm up to the feeling of his tongue in my mouth. “You liked that, didn’t you?”, he said. We heard a ‘pling’ and the doors opened. He guided me outside into his car.
He drove off, it was so annoying I still didn’t know where we were headed. “Baby….?”, I said with my most sweetest voice. “Yes…?” “Where are we going?”, I asked, again with my sweetest voice. “Hahah, wouldn’t you like to know, huh miss curious!”, he said and his fingertip touched the top of my nose. “Please tell me!” “We’re almost there, just a little more patience”, he said. I gave up, he wasn’t going to tell me where we were headed. 

After a while, I lost track of time, we stopped. “Okay, the blind fold comes of now, I hope you like it”, he said. I turned the back of my head in his way and he untied the blind fold. My eyes had to adjust to the light. But once they did I saw we arrived at the airport. My head needed time to process everything but once it hit me I knew we were going on a flight! “Bruno, oh my god!”, I said and hugged him. He laughed and said; “Well, relax baby, you don’t even know where we are going .” I leaned back and said; “Yeah I know, but… Wait we are not staying at a hotel over here right?” “Hahahahah, nooooo baby! Aaaw poor thing! We are going on a plane…”,he said laughing. “Where to??”, I asked curious. “You’ll see when we board”, he said. “And now get out, let’s get going!”
We got our stuff out the car and walked in to the airport. Bruno knew where we needed to go so I just followed him. We came to a desk and Bruno showed our tickets to the hostess. “Two people, flight 32678, to Miami, Florida”, she stated. “Mr. Hernandez and Miss Wellington.. can I see your I.D please?” We showed our passports and she just nodded. “Have a nice flight”, she said with a smile and we walked off. “Oh my God, Brunoooo!!! Are we really going to Miami?? I can’t believe this!!! How can you afford this?”, I screamed in excitement. I grabbed his waist and kissed him. “Wooow! I should do this more often!”, he said with a grin. “Don’t worry ‘bout a thing, honey. Just enjoy!”, he said.It was a four hour flight, so it wasn’t that long. We were lucky to fly early morning.
When we arrived at Miami airport, we looked for our luggage and got a cab. Bruno told the cab driver the address of the hotel and we went off.

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