It's all over

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Chapter 50

It's all over

I moaned and my head felt like the coyote from Roadrunner had dropped his anvil on it. I tried to open my eyes, but I couldn't. I felt nauseous and I wish this pounding would stop. Maybe if I would get rid of this thing in front of my eyes, I could see where I was. I tried to move my hands, but they weren't moving one inch. Moving my legs was a no go too.
Next thing, I heard some voices talking
"Hello? Somebody here?", I screamed.
I heard my voice echo through the room I was in. Let's try again.
Footsteps that were far away, now seemed to get closer. A sharp feeling on my cheek made me groan.
"Shut up you little shit!"
"Who are you? What are you doing to me?"
Another sharp feeling on my other cheek made me cringe. I wanted to rub my cheeks with my hands, but I couldn't.
I struggled to get away, but I of course I failed. I felt pressure was applied on the chair I was on. I knew someone was standing in front of me, I could feel their breath on my face.
Even though I didn't see anything, I knew they were looking at me. I could just feel it.
"She awake?", a voice echoed through the room.
"She is", I heard the female voice say.
"Where am I? Who are you?", I said moving my head around.
"You don't need to know where you are", the male voice said.
With one rough pull my blindfold was removed.
"Oh my God...", I slowly said.
My eyes caught the female on my right.
"YOU?!", I exclaimed in disbelieve.
I couldn't believe my eyes. Was I dreaming? Was this even real?
She started laughing and walked to the left, holding a knife in her hands.
"You didn't think you'd see me again huh, Natalie", she said sarcastic.
I didn't even know what to say.
"And YOU! You asshole!!", I screamed. "What have I done to you?!"
I couldn't believe this was happening. I felt so betrayed. All I wanted to now was be with Bruno and lay in his arms.
"You haven't done anything, baby", he said mocking the word 'baby'.
I felt tears welling up in my eyes.
"Oh dear Natalie, don't cry just yet. We need you to save to tears for your dear precious Bruno."
"Shut up Sarah!!"
They both started laughing.
"I don't get it", my shaky voice spoke.
"There is really nothing much to get", Blake said.
Then they kissed each other, I looked the other way. It was disgusting.
"How do you know each other?"
My curiosity was killing me, I needed to know how they got together. It wasn't making any sense at all.
"Now, Natalie, you are not at all in the position to ask any questions here", Sarah said playing with the knife in her hands.
She walked up to me and pointed the knife on my throat, pushing my chin up.
"You are going to listen very carefully, cause if you're not doing as we say you and your precious pop star will never see the light of day again", she threatened pushing the knife into my throat a little more.
I nod my head in understanding.
"Blake is going to call Bruno and all you need to do is say you are okay. Do you understand?!"
Again I nodded my head in understanding. She pulled the knife away and put it in her back pocket.
I heard the phone ring as Blake put it on speaker.
"Hello?", Bruno's raspy voice spoke.
A tear fell from my eyes, as I remembered the conversation we only had a few hours ago. He was still devastated.
"Listen you little bitch, you have exactly one hour to bring us one million dollars or your girl dies", Blake yelled.
"You son of a bitch!!", Bruno screamed.
"The address will be texted to you after this phone call."
"I swear, if you hurt her. I'm going to kill you!"
"Now, now Mr. Mars. If I were you I wouldn't say that..."
Quick as lightning Sarah pulled out the knife. She yanked my hear, causing my head to tilt back and pushed the knife on my throat. I felt the cold blade against my skin. One move and she could slid my throat.
"Bruno...Please...", I cried.
"Natalie! Hold on baby!"
"One. Million. Dollars! One hour! No cops!", Blake yelled and then hung up the phone.
Sarah pulled back the knife and let go of my hair.
My eyes were blurred caused by the tears running down my face. How did I get caught up in this mess?
"I'm going to eat something sweetie. I'll be back in a few. If she makes any trouble", he said throwing a gun to her.
She caught it with one hand and stuffed it into her pants.
Blake walked away and Sarah pulled a chair and sat across me.
"Don't cry, Natalie. You already wasted enough tears over that little shit", she said playing around with the knife.
"Shut up", I cried.
She shook her head, laughing.
"What did I do to you?", I sobbed.
"What you did?", she hissed.
"Do you know how much I cared for you? How hard it was for me to see you get lost in that abusive relationship? I cared for you as if you were my sister, Natalie!"
All I could do was stare at her. I didn't know she had so much rage in her.
"I'm sorry", I whispered through my sobs.
"You're sorry?", she snored. "You're SORRY?!"
What else could I say? I mean, I was sorry. But there was nothing I could do now to turn this all around.
"My relationship with Alex is over, because of YOU! He left me, because of YOU! We were supposed to get married."
"I'm so sorry, I didn't know."
"Of course you didn't know. You were too caught up with yourself. With getting beat up with Mr. Famous!", she ranted.
"Sarah, I'm really sorry. If I could, I would make it up to you", I softly spoke.
"Do you know how many fights I had with him over you. He told me to let you go, but I wanted to help you. Save you. But every time I did that, you went running back to him."
"You can't blame me for all of that", I said.
"Shut up!", her hand hit my cheek.
A sharp pain went through my face.
"Yes I can! If you had listened to me none of this would have happened. I would have been happily married."
I shook my head, this was not the Sarah I knew. She had changed so much. Or maybe she was like this all the time, but I just never saw it. Maybe she was right, maybe I had been too busy with myself and my relation with Bruno.
As I came to think about it, I never asked her how she was, or how her relationship with Alex was. How could I have not known they were supposed to get married? I was her best friend!
"Sarah, look I'm truly sorry for what happened. I should have been a better friend, but I can't redo the past. Please, you don't have to do this", I begged.
She started laughing again.
"No. No, girl. It's too late. You brought this over yourself. Now you just have to live with the consequences."
She got up from the wooden chair she was in and started pacing back and forth.
"Would he be stupid enough to come here?", she wondered out loud.
I didn't know what to say. I just wanted this to be over.
Then Blake came back in. He nodded his head and she left, handing him the gun as she passed him.
"She's something huh?", he said pulling the chair closer to me.
He sat down and his crystal blue eyes stared at me.
"I'm sorry it had to go like this", he said stroking my cheek with his thumb.
I gave him an angry look. Lord knows he wasn't sorry at all.
"This will all be over soon. Your Mr. Famous is going to hand us the money and we'll let you go", he said with a grin.
"Why?", I cried. "I trusted you."
"I really thought you and I could be something, you know?", he started.
"But once I knew about your past and Sarah told me everything about you and Bruno, I knew we could never be. I mean, in the end you always go back to him No matter how he hurts you, or beats you up."
In a way I knew he was right. If I come to think about it, I never loved Blake. I might not even have been in love with him. Once I had been with Bruno again, he never stood a chance. Bruno was the one I loved most of everyone. The time I spend with him while planning the scam with Blake, was nothing compared to the time I spend with Blake. Bruno could hurt me to the depts of my soul and I would still go back to him.
"I saw you and Bruno together once and you have never looked at me, the way I saw you looking at him." He sounded hurt.
"What about Sarah? How do you know her?", I really wanted to know that.
"I met her at a bar. She'd seen us together a couple of times and one night she followed me and started talking to me. She told me everything about you and Bruno and how you fucked up her relation with her ex."
Out of nowhere we heard a bunch of birds flying away. Blake was startled and got up quickly.
"What the fuck?"
He walked away to check the premises.
Wow, I never thought Sarah could do all of this. She talked him into screwing me over. I truly am sorry for her that Alex had left her, but she couldn't blame everything on me. There must have been other things wrong in that relationship. If I had been a better friend I could have helped her out.
I heard a door slam and Blake was back. He took place in the chair again and brushed some hair, that was in front of my eyes, back.
"Why this Blake? I mean you could just have broken up with me", I said.
He laughed, got up and then grabbed my cheeks, pinching them hard. His face was just an inch away from mine.
"You stupid piece of shit! Why should I break up if I know I hit a gold mine?"
My eyes grew big as my heart was pounding in my chest. I hoped Bruno would hurry up, I was scared and I don't know how much longer they could hold their patience.
He stopped pinching my cheeks, but his face was still close to mine.
"Sarah and I had this whole thing planned out. You were to collect the money, I would make sure it would be on my account and be gone before you could even realise it. But then you had to go and fuck it all up!!", he screamed slamming the chair into the room.
The sound scared me as it echoed through the room.
Then he pulled the gun out and pulled the safety pin, pointing it on me.
He laughed a crazy, evil laugh, rubbing the gun against his temple.
"You know, I could kill you right now. No one would know and Bruno will be next as soon as he arrives with the money."
He pointed the gun at me again and I started crying.
"Please, no! Blake! Please!"
He stayed there for a few more seconds, holding me at gunpoint.
"Blake! I need you here!", Sarah's voice interrupted this scene and he put the gun away.
"I think we have a visitor", I heard her say as they both walked way.
They left me alone and all I did was cry. He could have killed me right then and there. I don't know what he would have done if Sarah didn't came in at that very moment.
Never in a million years I would have thought he could do something like this. He seemed like this neat, nice business man, but I guess looks can be deceiving.
From behind me I heard I door.
I wanted to turn around but of course, I couldn't. I felt something behind me and I squealed.
"Who is this?", I whispered.
"It's Phil."
"Phil? Oh my God!"
"Shhhh! They can't hear us, or we'll be dead. Now, hold still I'm going to get you out of here", he said and I felt him cutting the ropes of my wrists.
"You have no idea how glad I am to hear your voice!", I excitedly whispered.
"Thank me later, first things first", he said now cutting the ropes of my feet.
I rubbed my wrists, they were all read and scratched.
"You have no idea how glad I am to see you!", I said hugging him.
He smiled and rubbed my back.
"Now, let's get out of here before they know you are gone!"
He took my hand and we ran through the door where he came from. It slammed shut and I could hear Blake and Sarah curse.
"Shit!", I yelled.
We were in a dark hall and I had no idea where we were going.
"Phil!", my voice sounding urgent.
"Yeah I know, I know!", he said nervous.
He lead me through another door which led us to the main hall.
"We need to go now!", he yelled as we heard Blake and Sarah catching up to us.
"But what about Bruno?!", I said running my hands through my messy hair.
"Bruno?", Phil's face expressed confusion.
"Yes! Bruno is supposed to get here with one million dollars", I almost tripped over my words, explaining to him.
He still looked confused at me.
"Girl, if we don't go now, we'll both end up on our backs!"
In the corner of my eye I saw a door, I pulled his arm and dragged him along.
"What are you doing?", Phil said out of breath.
We were back in the main room, this wasn't how I planned it. I saw a small cabin.
"Come on", I said dragging him there.
"Natalie! You little bitch! Where are you!", Blake screamed holding the gun in front of him.
"I swear to God, if I find you, I will fucking kill you!"
Phil and I had a hard time keeping quiet, making sure they wouldn't find us. The room was very dark and this cabin was at the darkest corner of the room.
With everything I had in me I prayed he wouldn't find us.
"You know, Mr. Famous only has 10 minutes to get here with the money!", he yelled walking around. He kicked against the chair I had been on. It flew all across the room and shattered in pieces against a wall.
"Have you found them yet?", Sarah yelled.
"Not yet, but I will!"
He was tearing up the whole room and it wouldn't be long before he would get to us.
Sarah was blocking the door where Phil and I escaped just minutes ago, so there was no way we could go there again.
Then the other door swung open and there was Bruno.


Dear sweet Hooligans!! First of all, thank you so much for getting this story to 29K!!! I couldn't believe my eyes as I checked this account! I can't express enough how greatful I am for all of you who are reading, supporting and loving this story! Thank you all so much for your votes, comments and twitter messages!! It really means a lot to me and it gives me so much joy to see how everyone enjoys this story.

It was hard for me to update, cause I don't want this story to end. I have grown with the characters and I can't even think about having to say goodbye to them...'s not the end, yet! I have maybe one or two chapters to go. I hope you can all bare with me and follow me through the end.

Please let me know how you felt about this chapter and what you think will happen to Blake, Sarah, Phil and not to forget Natalie and Bruno!! Will they get out of this mess and get back together?

Again, thank you so, so, so much!! I love you all!! xxxxx

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