Runaway baby

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Chapter 22

Runaway Baby

“Get off!! What are you doing! Bruno..!”, I screamed while his fists repeatedly hit me in my face. I felt blood coming from my nose, but I couldn’t do anything about it. Bruno was beating me around. I could only use my arms as a shield against his fists. “I HATE YOU! YOU KNOW THAT!”, he screamed while kicking me down to the floor. “That’s where you belong!”, he said bowing down to me. “BECAUSE OF YOU MY SON IS DEAD! YOU HEAR ME?! THIS IS YOUR FUCKING FAULT, YOU BITCH!” I tried to get up, I needed to leave this place. There was nothing that could be saved now. He was so broken, and so messed up. I couldn’t help him anymore. I managed to stand up, even though everything was hurting. I started to walk away, as fast as I could, but before I could reach the front door Bruno caught up to me. He grabbed my hair and slammed my face against the wall. I felt dizzy, I lost my orientation. He threw me all around the house, kicking and beating me. “Bruno, please…”, I pleaded. “Let me go!” “You’re not going anywhere! You hear me? You’re mine!”, he yelled and he kicked me. I hit the coffee table with my back. I don’t know for how long the beating went on. It felt like there was no end and at some point I wish I was with my unborn son.

When Bruno finally was a sleep on the couch I crawled to our bedroom. I could hardly put myself up to climb into our bed. Everything was sour, my face, my arms, my back, my stomach. I had bruises all over my body. But the physical pain wasn’t the worst, it was the emotional pain. I loved him so much and it hurt me so much that he did this. That he couldn’t talk to me about his problems. He took all his anger and fear out on me. I lied awake all night. When the sun finally came up, my eyes slowly closed and I dozed off.

I didn’t sleep for that long, at least that’s how it felt to me. I woke up just a little after lunch time I guess. My whole body was sore from last night. Slowly I put my legs on the edge of the bed. They were bruised all over. I looked at my arms and I had bruises everywhere. Even breathing hurt in my chest area. I got up and strolled to the bathroom. I was shocked when I saw myself in the mirror. My bottom lip was torn, there was blood at the side of it. Both of my eyes were swollen and bruised.  There was some dried blood just under my nose. I looked like I was used as a punching bag. When I got undressed I saw there was a huge bruised area on my stomach. It wouldn’t surprise me If I had an internal bleeding. I could hardly walk. With every move I made there was a shot of pain going through my body.

When I was done taking a shower I put my sweat suit on, it was the most comfortable I could wear right now. It took me a lot of energy to go to the kitchen and get myself some tea. I sat down and waited until the water was ready. At that moment Bruno came walking in.

I cringed at the sight of him. I was so afraid of what he might do. But he didn’t do anything. He just stood there, looking at me. I was like a deer looking into headlights. That’s actually how I felt too. At first I thought he would burst out, yelling and screaming at me. Calling me names, but he didn't. He broke down and cried. “God… Natalie… I am… so so so sorry!!”  He took a seat at the other end of the table and buried his head into his hands. His shoulders jolted with his cries. I stood up and fixed myself some tea. I sat back down and could do nothing more than cry too. “How could I do this? I am so so so sorry! You need to go to the hospital! I .. I have to take you there!”, he said and jumped up. He looked so confused. “Let me get dressed…!” He was talking and walking around all stressed. “It’s okay, you don’t have to take me. I am leaving you…”, I whispered. My hands hugged the tea mug and I took a small sip of it. He turned around quick as lightning as he heard the words that left my torn lips. “What..? NO! Please, NO!!”, he cried. “Bruno, I’m sorry.. I have too. I love you, but you don’t love me anymore. You need help baby. And I can’t help you. It’s best for the both of us if I go”, I said calm. I stood up and walked over to him. I grabbed his chin with my hand and tilted his head. His eyes were filled with tears. “I can change, baby. I will go to therapy! I will do whatever you want, just please don’t leave me!”, he pleaded while pulling me into a tight hug. I cried to, I could see he still loved me, but I couldn’t stay with him anymore. “I love you sweet Natalie. I love you, don’t do this to me!”, he cried burying his face in my shoulders. “I want to believe every word you say, but you proved me wrong to many times… I have to let you go. If this love was meant to be, we will end up together once”, I said stroking the back of his head with my hands. “I am so sorry for everything. It hurt me so bad to see you hurt that night your ex called me”, he said sobbing. “Shhhh ..let’s sit on the bed. I’m hurt everywhere and this is exhausting to me”, I said and we strolled to the bedroom.

He carefully helped me on the bed. I leaned my head against his chest. His right hand was now stroking my hair. We entwined our other hands, locking our fingers tightly. “I miss that little one so much, Nat! With everything that happened that night, I died a little more. Piece by piece. I was so scared you wouldn’t make it. You had lost so much blood…”, he whispered softly. “And when the doctor told us they couldn’t save the little one, I lost it. I just couldn’t deal with all of this. I wanted to hug you, but something inside me told me to leave. I know it was wrong of me. I should have stayed with you…” “Why didn’t you talk to me before? I missed you so much. I wanted to talk about all those things with you. I wanted to share my sorrow and all you did was pushing me away”, I sobbed. “I know baby, I know. And I am so sorry”, he said kissing my forehead gently. “I looked forward to be a daddy… Once I saw that little man I was in love. And now we have to go on without him”, he said his voice cracking. He grabbed the frame from his nightstand. We looked at the pictures and stayed silent for a while. “I think we should give him a name”, I said breaking the silence. “You are right”, he said. “What do you think of Noah?”, I asked him. “It’s beautiful”, he answered. “It means ‘peaceful’”, I told him. Bruno got up saying he had an idea. He walked out of the room and came back with some candles and tea lights. He put them on my nightstand and lit them. Then he took the frame from me and put it between the candles. He sat next to me. “I think we should say our goodbyes this way. We never got to do that”, he said. I nodded my head. We entwined our fingers once again. I closed my eyes and started to speak. “Dear Noah. I hope you are in heaven right now. Mommy loves you and I will never forget you. You were the most precious thing I ever had in my life. Please watch over your daddy. He’s having a hard time right now and he really misses you. Be his guarding angel. I love you”, I said emotion flowing through my voice. Tears dropped from my eyes. “Hi Noah. It’s your daddy again. Your mommy gave you this beautiful name. I hope you are in peace now. Although it hurts me so bad I never got to meet you, I am glad I at least got to see you one time. I love you, I will always love you…”, at that point he broke down. He poured his heart out through his tears. He was so upset he couldn’t speak anymore. We sat there, letting our emotions flow.  This was the first time we both actually grieved over Noah’s death. Now we could finally start this healing process.

It felt good to be this close to Bruno again after all this time, but this didn’t mean I wasn’t leaving him anymore. I knew it was for the best to get up and go. We both needed time apart. I truly believed we would come back together if we were meant to be.

“Bruno…”, I whispered in his ear. “I am still leaving you..” He looked at me, fear showing in his beautiful brown eyes. I stroke his cheek with my fingers. “It felt really good to do this with you. And talk with you again, but I can’t forget about all the hurt you put me through. You crossed the line last night”, I calmly spoke to him. He heaved a sigh. He didn’t speak anymore. I got up and started to pack some clothes. I asked him if I could have one of the two pictures of Noah. So we each would have one. Bruno didn’t speak this whole time. He just sat on the edge of the bed, staring outside the window. I thought his tears would never stop from falling. When I was finally ready he got up.

We walked to his front door and I heaved a big sigh. “So, this is it..”, he said. “Yeah, I guess so…”, I said. We were both uncomfortable in this situation. “Remember, I love you”, I said looking into his eyes. “I love you too”, he said with a raspy voice. “Promise you’ll go see a doctor today, okay?”, he said before pulling me into a hug. “I promise..”, I said and hugged him back. “Nat..”, he started to cry. “Can’t you stay? Please, let’s work things out…”, he begged me. “I am sorry baby… I can’t..”, I said and pulled back from our hug. I stepped back and Bruno stood there all hurt. His arms hung next to his body, his eyes showing no life in them. I opened the door and gave him one last kiss on his soft sweet lips. “Goodbye Bruno…”, I whispered and I walked away. Bruno collapsed on the ground, hiding his face into his hands, crying. “Come back to me, Natalie. Please”, I heard him cry. But I kept walking, I never looked back anymore. 

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