Me, myself and I

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Chapter 33

Me, myself and I

I scratched myself from the floor and stood up. Bruno’s look was the one of a mad man. “Christina get out!”, he yelled. The woman looked at him with a weird look, frowning her eyebrows. She hesitated to leave. “I said get the fuck out! NOW!”
She got her purse and left the bathroom. While passing me she gave me a dirty look and a mischievous smile.
I didn’t really know how to act or what to do. My feelings and emotions where flying all over the place. I was so disgusted with what my eyes showed me, I got nauseous. I could feel my dinner trying to make its way back up to my mouth.
Bruno walked up to me. The way he towered over me, it felt like he was 10 feet tall. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing here?!”, he screamed at me. Okay, now he had it coming.
“ME? You’re asking ME this?! I’m sorry, but YOU were the one groping another woman. KISSING another woman!!”, I yelled at him.
“Don’t you dare raise your voice to me, woman! You shut up right now! I’ll take your ass home!”
“Oh, no you won’t! I am not leaving with you! Go fuck her! I don’t care anymore Bruno! I’m done with you!”, I yelled and then I did something I would have never thought I’d do. I kicked him in his balls.
He fell down to his knees, grabbing his vital parts, moaning. I took this opportunity and ran away. I got into the car and drove off. Tears were now falling down. My sight got a little blurry with all the water that was draining from my eyes. I was so glad to finally get to my college building. Brian was already there, so I dried my tears and put on a smile.
Not giving him a chance to say anything I threw him his keys, thanked him and started walking. I didn’t even know where I was going. My mind was so full with all these thoughts right now.
I kept walking and walking until my feet started to hurt. I didn’t even look where I was going. All I could see was Bruno locking lips with a woman I didn’t know.
“Woah! Watch your step baby girl”, a familiar voice said. I looked up and looked straight into the eyes of Phil. Of all people I had to bump into him. Great!
He put his hands on my shoulders asking me if I was okay. That question was the right one, it made me burst into tears immediately.
Phil’s strong arms wrapped themselves around me and all I could do was cry. I was bursting my heart out with him. All he did was rub my back and rock me a little. When I was done crying he asked me if I wanted to get some coffee somewhere.
He took me to a quiet place, somewhere outlying.
“Now, tell me. What is going on? I thought there was something going on earlier this week, when I saw you in that strange car. What was up with that?”, he asked while he stirred into his coffee.
I heaved a really big sigh and tried to calm down my sobs. My hands were wrapped around the hot mug of coffee. My nose took in the lovely aroma that filled up the place.
Phil was waiting patiently for me to start talking.
“Okay, I will tell you what’s going on. But you have to promise me, you will not tell ANYONE about this. No one can know you know this. No one!”
Phil told me he would not tell anyone.
“You’re secret is safe with me”, he said while pinching my hand.
“Well, you were right. Something is going on. Something between me and Bruno..”, I started off.
It was hard for me to tell Phil what happened all these months. He was very understanding and he didn’t interrupt me for one second. He just let me tell my story and gave me as much time as I needed.
“So Bruno got real mad and strangled me…Yeah..soo..”
Phil’s eyes got bigger and he almost choked on his coffee. “Girl, have you got yourself checked out by a doctor?”
“No, when I woke up I was in his bed. He gave me some water and then left me. I fell asleep again and when I woke up his drunk ass came to bed. The next day he pretended nothing happened. He told me I could not talk to other people and he would drive me everywhere…”, I continued my story.
I don’t think Phil’s mouth could drop even lower. He was totally surprised on everything I told him about his best friend. He said he never knew Bruno could ever be like this. He didn’t expect this from him at all.
I explained him why I followed him and what happened this evening before I ran into him.
“Girl, you need to get away from him. You can’t stay there any longer. It’s not safe for you”, he said.
I nodded my head to show him I agreed to him. But I knew getting away from Bruno would be difficult. He would never let me go. He would try to stop me and convince me to stay with him.
“We need to set up a plan to get you out of there”, Phil said while looking out of the window. His hands supporting his head and his look serious.
He was a good man and a good friend. I think I should have talked to him before. Maybe this wouldn’t have gone out of hand.
“I’m sorry but I need to ask you guys to leave now”, the waitress said to us.
Phil smiled at her. “Sure, we’ll go.”
He paid for our coffee and then he took me to his car.
“What where you doing out here anyway at this time?”, I asked him while we were walking.
“I like late night walks sometimes. Just enjoying the quiet and taking in the night time air”, he answered.
“Sometimes I just drive for a while, park my car and get out. It’s also good for my inspiration to write and compose songs.”
We got to his car and got in. “Where do you want to go? You can stay with me if you want”, he said while pulling up.
“That’s very sweet of you, but I need to get to Bruno’s. If he ever founds out I’ve been staying with you he will kill me. I mean, not literally, but you know…”
“Bruno’s it is.. Just call me if something is wrong or if you need any help okay? I will think off a plan to get you out of his hands. Just stay safe and try to stay calm. I’m here for you”, he said before we pulled up to Bruno’s apartment.
“Thank you, Phil. Thank you so much for everything.” I hugged him, got out and Phil drove off.

Bruno Mars | Natalie, the untold story (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now