Heavy hearts

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Chapter 8

 Heavy hearts

After our make-up dinner I decided to spend some time alone. Although we didn't really broke up, I didn't wanted to rush things.
The week went by fast and that weekend I went for a shopping spree with Sarah, Hailey and Lilly.

"I sooo needed this! Nothing can make you feel better than to buy new clothes and shoes!", I yelled as I walked up to the girls. They were already sitting on  a bench in front of the mall. I was late, again. "Girl, you always late! Hurry up will  ya!", Hailey shouted at me. "Relax girl! We have all day!", I said to her as I hugged her. I gave the other girls a hug and we went in.
"Finally a day with the girls", Lilly said as we walked by some stores. "We should do this more often", I said. "Yeah I agree! But I think Mr. Jones, Brian and Kevin will go crazy if all of us are doing this every Saturday", Sarah mentioned. "I kinda feel sorry for Brian and Kevin, stuck up with these substitutes", Lilly suddenly said. We all stopped and looked at her, than we burst out to laugh. Sarah put her arm around Lilly, the youngest of us all, and said; "Don't feel sorry! Silly girl, sometimes us girls need to have a day off. They'll survive!" Lilly nodded her head and smiled.
"Oooh look at those shoes!!", Hailey shouted and she pointed to some black heels in front of the window. We all walked over and managed not to drool. We headed inside the store, but the moment I wanted to go in I got a text. It was from Bruno.

Hey baby. I miss you. When can I see you again?


I sighed looking at the text. I didn't know what to say, what to answer. I missed him too, but I needed this time. I decided to put my phone away and answer later on. "What were you doing girl?", Sarah asked while she tried some boots on. I just sighed. "Bruno huh?", she said. I nodded my head and let myself slide on the couch beside her. "What did he say?", she asked me. "He send me a text, he's  missing me and wants to know when he can see me again." She stood up and walked over to the mirror to see how the boots were looking on her. "What do you want? What do you feel?", she asked as she turned around and looked at me. I shrugged and said: "I do miss him..." "What are you doing girl! Call him! Tell him!", she said. I looked in her brown eyes and I saw she really meant what she said. The other girls were now also gathered around us. They asked me what was going on and I told them about the text message and also about the little ‘break up’ Bruno and I had.
"I don't think you should see him if you are not ready for it", Hailey said. "But you do miss him, right?", Lilly asked. I nodded my head. "I think you should follow your heart." I smiled at her, she was so sweet and still so innocent. She also looked innocent with her beautiful blond hair and blue eyes. Her posture small, not a girl, not yet a woman. She hardly ever wore make up, but she didn't needed that, she had a cute face. Her eyes were always looking friendly and her lips were small and mostly curled up in the sweetest smile. She didn't know much about love or boyfriends, she never dated a boy. She rather worked hard at school and make sure her future was all set. I thought that was so smart of her, not many girls of her age are responsible like that.
"You should let it rest for now, let's make some fun. That's what we're here for! Let's buy shoes!", Hailey yelled with a smirk and that's what they did.
We walked over to the counter so Hailey and Sarah could pay. We walked out the store and I no longer wanted to feel bad. This was a nice way not to think about Bruno and our problems and I decided to take full advantage of it.
We shopped like crazy, we laughed and talked girl problems. I loved it! I enjoyed the company of my friends and it made me feel really good.
"So do you guys want to grab a bite somewhere before we head home?", Hailey asked. "Sure, love to!" "Sounds nice, I'm hungry!" "I need to call Alex and tell him I won't be eating at home", Sarah said. "Aaaah pore Alex", Hailey said sarcastic with a pouting lip. Sarah put her middle finger up to her and stuck her tongue out while she called Alex.  We put our bags in our cars and after that we walked back to the mall.
We walked by a  bar, they served food and there was live music. I couldn't be more happy. "Let's eat here!!", I called out in excitement. "Please, I love live music!" The girls looked at each other and Sarah rolled her eyes. "Girls, what do we do?", she said looking at the others. "Depends on what kind of music it is", Lilly called out. She was in her R&B period right now, before this it was rock. We looked at the sign, it said:

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