Moving on

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Chapter 36

Moving on

It’s been a year and half since I graduated from college. After my graduation I started working as a manager in a clothing store. It wasn’t really what I wanted but this way I could help my mother out by paying her rent.
I made new friends and met up with some old friends from my childhood.
Being single worked out great for me too. I just wanted to have fun and not get caught up in a relationship again. I had plenty of time to do that whole relationship thing in a few years.
Also, I wanted to build a career. Working as a manager was all fun and I never hated my job, but I wanted to become a fashion stylist. It´s what I dreamed of all my life and now I had the time to purchase that dream. 
Through my current job I got some connections that every once in a while led me to do small jobs as a fashion stylist. Mostly I wasn´t getting paid for it, but I didn´t mind that. I needed the experience to get to the bigger people.
I started out with assignments for small modeling agencies, but it was all fine by me. It didn’t took long before I started to get bigger assignments. My career was finally taking off! Before I knew it I had to quit my job as a manager. My co-workers were very upset that I had to leave, but they were also happy for me that I finally got to do what I loved to do.

“Oh, hold on mom. My phone is ringing.” I grabbed my phone from my pocket and answered it. “Natalie Willington speaking.”   “Hmm, okay. Yes. Are you serious?”
“Okay, thank you, bye”, I finally said and hung up the phone. 
“Mom! Oh my God!!! I get to do the styling for a music video!!”, I screamed at my mother. I was so excited. “Oh my God Natalie!! That is amazing!!”, she squealed and we hugged each other.
“I know right! I can’t believe this mom! I have to be in L.A this Tuesday, they are shooting the video Wednesday!”
I was all excited. I had never heard of this artist, but I was told she was upcoming. This could mean I could get booked for more music video shoots!
My mom and I finished our dinner and went back home. I needed to go pack and book a flight to L.A. 
Sunday was very hectic, I was arranging all kinds of stuff and also looking up as much information as I could about music videos so I was prepared when I got there. 
My flight was Monday in the afternoon. My mom brought me to the airport. She hugged me before I had to go and wished me good luck. I could see some tears peaking in the corners of her eyes. She was trying to hide it, but she failed on that. I knew she was proud of me and also glad I was happy again. 
The flight was only an hour so, before I knew it I landed in L.A again. It was weird being back. I knew when I first got here. I felt so alone and lost. And here I am, all confident and strong, ready for my first big assignment. 
I held up a cab and got to my hotel. It wasn’t very fancy but I didn’t mind. I couldn’t afford much right now. Besides that, I would only be here to sleep.
I placed my suitcase next to my closet and pulled out my laptop. Then I got my phone and called my mom to let her know I was safe.
When we hung up the manager from the artist called and told me what time I should be at the meeting tomorrow. 
Then I turned on MTV and started to surf the web, trying to get some idea’s. 
Half way I got thirsty and grabbed a glass of water, I wanted to sit back on the bed until I heard a familiar voice through the speakers of my hotel room TV.
As if I was put in slow motion I turned around and faced the person happily singing on my TV screen. It was Bruno… Once I realized it I dropped my jaw in unison with my glass of water. I just looked at the screen where Bruno was singing how he wished he was a billionaire. He was wearing a mint green plaid, cream colored pants and his stupid fucking fedora. This time it was a grey one, with a feather on it. My eyes were stuck on the screen, I couldn’t stop watching him. It was so weird, seeing him after all these years and that little bastard made it. He was on TV, I couldn’t deny that he was good. He was great, he looked good too. The Bruno on that screen looked like the Bruno I got to know. Happy, cheerful and cute. He still called himself ‘Bruno Mars’, I wasn’t surprised he used it as his stage name. It was one of the first things he told me when we first started dating.
All I could think of that evening was Bruno and this music video he featured in. 
I even dreamed about him that night and that hadn’t happened for a long time. 
The first months of our break up I would dream almost every night about him. I think it was some sort of emotional process I had to go through.
The next morning I got up early and didn’t had time to think about Bruno Mars. I had to get ready for that meeting and gather my stuff. 
As soon as I got dressed I got my stuff and went downstairs. The building wasn’t far from my hotel so I decided to walk there. I wasn’t very familiar with this part of L.A. but still it felt like I was coming home after a long vacation or something. It’s kind of hard to describe. 
After ten minutes I arrived at the building, my nerves were starting to unfold a little and I took a deep breath. Just when I was ready to walk inside, the corner of my right eye caught something. Or should I say someone…
I craned my head to my right and squint my eyes. I saw two man walking into my direction, both wore big squared black glasses, a plane tee shirt and some Converse sneakers. One of them was wearing a fedora. For a second I thought they were Bruno and Phil, but as far as I knew Bruno didn’t wore glasses. As I pushed my hands forward to open the big glass door in front of me, the two men got a little closer to me and the one wearing the fedora lifted his head up. I saw him looking confused and when he wanted to open his mouth I disappeared into the building.
Before I even had the time to think about who I just saw, someone grabbed my arm and smiled to me. “You must be Natalie”, a young blond woman said to me while dragging me to the elevators. She started to talk about what she did and what was expected of me.
That meeting I got a lot of information, but it was all good. We had lunch together and after that I returned to my hotel. I decided to call my mom and tell her about my exciting day.
The next day I got up real early again to make sure I’d be on the set on time. They said the shoot would take two days, but they also told me it could be longer. It was so weird being on a set, a thing you normally only see on MTV.
Walking past camera’s and meeting this upcoming star. But I had to keep my cool and try not to lose it.
I greeted everyone I saw and walked up to the wardrobe area. I started picking out clothes and accessories. The make-up artist, Leah came in and greeted me. We started talking and she told me she had worked with a lot of up-coming artists, but also with a lot of celebrities. I hoped I would get to do that someday too. After an hour the artist came in, I had never heard of her, but she was very nice. She immediately started talking to me and she loved the outfits I had chosen for her. Then she went into make- up and hair. After she was done she got dressed and then they started shooting the video.
It was very exciting to see how all these things went. I never really knew and I always wondered about it. It some kind of magical world if you are on the outside. But when you see what really goes on, you change your opinion. It’s very hard work and long days. I think I got up at 6 A.M and we were working ‘till midnight. Then the next day we had to be there at 5 A.M again.
But those were the best days of my life. The artist was very happy with my work and she said she would recommend me to other artists.
I was so excited when I left to go home again. This was an experience I would never forget in my life!

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