The date

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Chapter 2

The date

It was Monday and I had an early shift. When I arrived at my work my co-workers were so curious about my date with Peter. "And did he try to get you drunk?", Sarah asked. "Did you kiss?", Brian asked laughing. I rolled my eyes at him and shook my head. "No he did not try to get me drunk and no we didn't kiss...", I told them as they were all gathered around me. The diner wasn't open yet and we were all drinking our coffee. "So did you have fun or not?", Lilly asked me, looking at me with her big blue eyes. I took a sip from my coffee. "Um...I guess so..", I answered unsure. "What do you mean 'I guess so'?", Sarah asked me. "Well he was very nice and he really has a good taste. He took me to this small restaurant with this great ambiance...", I said staring at my coffee.

"You like him! You like him!", Lilly called out pointing at me like I did some sort of crime. "No I don't!", I yelled at her. "I don't like him, I don't need a man right now and especially no musician!" They all stared at me. "What?", I asked holding my hands up and frowning my eyebrows. Then I looked at the clock and saw we had to get ready to open. I slipped down from the bar and walked to the back to get my tray, notepad and started preparing the tables. The others followed my example and started to get ready too. Sarah opened the door and changed the sign into 'Open'. "Girl, I know you like him. Stop pretending", Sarah said to me as she was refilling some sugar cans. "I know you too well, so don't act like you don't like him", she continued. I tried to ignore her. Maybe I did like him a little but I didn't want no man in my life right now. I was doing fine, I enjoyed my work at the diner, I enjoyed going out with my friends and I enjoyed being at home, just by myself. "Okay, what if I do like him a little", I started, holding my tray with one hand to my chest, "he's a musician, he's fucking a different girl every night. He'll just use me once and dump me. I don't need that." After saying that I saw Sarah's head turning to the door. There he was, with the fucking fedora hat, again, only it was a different one this time. He stood there and I wondered how much of our conversation he overheard. "Sarah a customer", I said and headed to the bar. I tried to walk as fast as I could but before I knew he stood in front of me. "Where are you running from sweet, sweet Natalie?", he asked penetrating me with his eyes. He smelled so good.. Goddamn! "I'm not running from anything. I have work to do. What are you doing here?", I asked him while I walked by him to pretend I was busy behind the bar. He took a seat at the bar and ordered a cappuccino. I took a cup and placed it under the machine. I waited until it was ready and placed the cappuccino in front of him. "Here you go, Peter", I said to him. "Natalie, talk to me. I know you had a nice time Saturday. Please, let me take you out one more time. If you don't like it, I'll never bother you again. Just think about it. I'll come back at the end of the day to see what you have to say." I didn't say anything the whole time. I didn't even look at him. "Bye Peter", I heard Sarah say and then I heard the door close. I saw he left some money at the bar, including a tip. There also was a little note next to the cappuccino. I grabbed the money and cleaned up the cappuccino he didn't even touch. Sarah walked up to the bar and saw the note. "Aren't you going to read what the note says?", she asked me. "No", I answered without even looking. "Come on! I know you are curious too!", Lilly called out.  "No...You guys are. I don't care what he has to say. I am not going on another date with this guy." Sarah  couldn't contain herself, opened the note and read it out loud.

"You love music, I make music." 

"What does he mean by that?", she asked frowning her eyebrows. "Nothing", I answered. "And can you please let it go now?"  But I kept it in my mind the whole day. His words floated around. I didn't know what to do. 

Before I knew it my shift was almost over. I cleaned one of the last tables, when all of a sudden I heard someone whisper in my ear. "Sweet, sweet Natalie." I put my hand on my chest and felt my heart beat so hard I thought it was coming out. "Damn it Peter! Don't do that! And stop calling me that!!", I almost yelled at him. He started laughing and I turned around looking real angry at him. "So what's it gonna be?", he asked with a smirk on his face. I sat down at the table I was cleaning and looked him in the eye. "You know Natalie, you have the most pretty green eyes I have ever seen...", he said while he looked back at me. "Stop doing that, oke? I will go out with you..." "I knew it!", he yelled. "...But.. only because I want you to leave me alone. This Saturday I am free the whole day. You can pick me up at noon. Please leave now." "You won't regret it!", he said as he walked out of the diner.

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