Bad boy

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Chapter 6

Bad boy

A few months have passed and Bruno and me are officially a couple now. 

Today was a very exciting day for Bruno. He was going to a record company to present his demo. In the pas months he went to a few, even one in New York, but they all turned them down. They said he wasn't good enough, didn't like his style etc.

He has been working his ass off to this demo. After the last record company that turned him down he locked himself in the studio for a few days, improving his lyrics and music. He was so proud of this one! He let me hear it and it really was good! I just knew this was the one for his major breakthrough.

I woke up at his place that morning, as I did many times these last few months. I have practically living at his place. We kissed each other good morning and I got up from the bed. I needed to go to work. I wanted him to deal with this by himself. This was his dream and I didn't want to be in his way or anything that could distract him from doing what he needed to do. So that's why I decided to go to work and I would meet him here again after my shift. 

I was nervous the whole day, I wanted this to go right for him so badly! When he would talk about his music, his art, his eyes were always filled with sparkles, his cheeks would turn a little red from excitement. Same thing when he played on his guitar or piano. You could see music was his everything, it almost seemed as if he knew nothing else but music. He would put his whole heart and soul into a song when he sang one. Or when he was busy writing one. The way his fingers touched the snares of his guitar, the way he closed his eyes when hitting a high note. He was literally breathing music.

On top of my nerves I had to do overtime, Haily needed to go home to take care of her baby sister and there were too many people at the diner. I called Sarah to see if she could take my place, but she wouldn't pick up her phone. So it was just me and Lilly left over. This was the worst Friday of my life!

When I was on my cigarette break I took a look at my phone to see if I had any missed calls from Bruno. His appointment was at 15.30 P.M, it was evening already so he should be back by now. I had no missed calls or new messages. I leaned against the wall and inhaled, with a big sigh I released the smoke. I decided to take a chance and call him. I just needed to know what was up. The phone kept ringing, no answer from him.

"Hello, you reached Peter Hernandez. I'm not able to answer my phone right now. Please leave me a message and I will get back to you! Bye."

"Fuck!", I yelled at the device. As I heard the beep I left him a message;

"Hi baby. How did your appointment go? Please let me know. I love you"

I went back inside to the chaos and tried to get my mind off of it. It was hard for me not to think about it. He was never like this, when he was busy or couldn't answer me he would always send me a quick text to let me know he was alright and missing me.

In the meanwhile I kept trying to call him and left him a bunch of messages. But still no word from him, I started to worry. He might have been hurt or been in an accident. 

We finally closed up at the diner and I decided to call Phil. "Phil, it's Natalie." "He girl, whaddup?", he answered. "Have you heard anything from Bruno? He had that appointment with the record company today. But after this morning I heard nothing from him anymore", I told Phil, my voice sounding worried. "No I haven't heard from him yet. I thought you guys would be celebrating by now", he said. "Aren't you at home?" "No. I am still at the diner. I'm going home right now", I said. "Okay, calm down", Phil said. "I'll go check out some local bars and the hospital. You go home and we call each other later ok?", he said with his relaxing voice. "Alright. Bye", I answered. But I was everything but relaxed. I was worried sick and the thought of him being at the hospital made me want to puke my guts out. My stomach twisted and turned, I couldn't think clear. It was already late, a little after twelve.

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