Getting over Natalie (pt. 1)

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Chapter 40

Getting over Natalie (pt1)

I let the hot water of the shower warm my skin. It was good to clear my head. What I did to Natalie last night wasn’t good. I needed to stop hitting her and get my jealousy under control. This wasn’t normal anymore. I was hurting her so bad.
I got into the bedroom and dressed myself. Natalie was sitting on the edge of the bed. As I put my checkered flannel on I took a seat next to her, wrapping my arm around her and laying my head on her shoulder.
Smelling her scent calmed me down. I closed my eyes and wished all the bad things that happened were just a bad dream. That we were a happy couple and that this was just a little snap moment of our happiness. Just a couple, cuddling up to each other.
But the bruises on her face and arms pulled me back into reality. I really did hurt her, not only physically, but emotionally too. Maybe that was even worse. The bruises would fade, but the scars that I had carved into her soul were to remain forever. The thought of me causing that, made my eyes tear up.
“I’m sorry Nat. I promise this was the last time I will ever hurt you. I will never lay another hand on you, ever again.” I looked up to her, trying to read her. But her eyes were just glazed, not showing any emotions.
“Please, forgive me. I swear I will change.”
She told me it was okay and that she forgave me, while she patted my back.
Then I stood up and left the room. I needed some fresh air.

My feet dragged me around I don’t know how many blocks. All I could think of was how to make sure Natalie would believe me this time and that I really, really needed to change! I was thinking about going to therapy again, maybe we could even go together!
I had to do something to change for real. Excited about this idea I almost ran home to talk to Natalie about this. The closer I got to my home, the more excited I got about it.
Not wanting to waste another minute I skipped the elevator and ran up the stairs. Catching my breath I walked up to my apartment.
But the closer I got the more I slowed down. I saw the door standing open. While frowning my eyebrows strolled closer and closer.
My eyes grew big and the anger was building up when I saw who was standing in my hallway.
“What the hell? What is this? What’s going on? Phil?!”
“It’s okay Natalie. Come, here are my car keys, take your suitcase and put it in the trunk. Wait for me. I’ll be right there.” I heard Phil say and it infuriated me. I also saw the suitcase as he mentioned it and it came through that she was leaving me. I panicked and started shouting. I couldn’t let her go away. Not now, not now I knew how we could fix our relationship.
“Hell no! She ain’t going nowhere!”, I yelled while I blocked the door.
“Bruno, step aside and let her through. Think about this, wanna fight me?”, Phil said to me while softly pushing me aside. I didn’t want to fight Phil, so I did as he said and made room for Natalie to leave.
I watched her walk her suitcase to the elevators. When she disappeared into one I turned my anger towards Phil.
“Phil what the hell is going on! You better speak up!”, Bruno yelled. 
“You fucking her? Is that it?”
Phil chuckled. “No, I ain’t fucking her. I know all about your dirty shit Bruno. She told me everything”, Phil told me while pushing me into a corner. 
“That bitch lyin! You gonna let that bitch come between us? Is that how it is now?”, I yelled throwing my hands up. 
“Yeah bro, it’s like that. But you know what? You brought that shit on yo self”, Phil said while pointing a finger against my chest. 
“Just get the fuck out of my house!” I pushed Phil away from me. We stood in front of each other, best buddies now almost arch nemesis.
“Don’t let me ever find out again your abusing another woman! Go get some help man. You are so fucking lost right now…”, Phil said and shook his head.
He was ready to walk out but he stopped, turned around and said; “Oh Bruno, before I forget…” He swung his arm back and punched me with his fist, right on my fucking nose! I stumbled back and fell to the ground.  I touched my nose to see if there was any blood.
Phil just walked out without even looking back.

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