Messed up

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Chapter 48

Messed up

A few loud bangs on the door distracted him. He turned around with an angry look and his fist fade away while his arm dropped next to his body.

Another bang filled the room and Bruno walked up to the door. I could hear him cuss under his breath.

I took this opportunity to catch my breath and make a recap of what just happened. My body dropped to the floor and I sank down, letting my back rest against the wall. My legs were bended to the left side. My view was blurry caused by the tears that started to well up in my eyes. My shoulders jolted and I started to cry.

"Shut up!", Bruno hissed as his angry face turned to me while he stood in front of the door.

Scared as I was I did what he said.

Then he turned to the door again and just before he opened it another loud bang was heard.

With one swing he opened the door.

"You okay bro? I heard noises."

Phil, it was Phil! When I heard his concerned voice I had more trouble to keep my cries silent. A loud sob escaped from my mouth. Bruno closed the door now until it was just a few inches open. Just enough for him to block Phil's view.

I wanted to run to him so badly and tell him what just happened.

"Yeah, everything is okay", Bruno answered sheepishly.

"Are you sure? I swear I could hear screaming", Phil's voice sounded urging.

"Must have been from another room", Bruno answered.

"Is Natalie with you?", he asked trying to peek around Bruno's head.

"Yes she is."

"Is she okay?", Phil asked concerned.

In my mind I was screaming for help. Wishing and hoping Phil would burst the door open.

"You okay, right Nat?"

Bruno's head turned towards me, his eyes big and his lips pressed together, nodding his head to assure Phil I was fine.

I cleared my throat and tried not to sound like I had just almost been beat again. A squeaky 'yes' was the only thing I could spit out.

"She, she's fine", Bruno slurred. "Now if you will excuse us, we're tired."

"Just making sure", Phil said in his nicest tone, but one could hear he wasn't s sure at all.

"Goodnight", Bruno said and slammed the door shut. Phil didn't even got the chance to say something.

More soft sobs came out of me, my face buried in my hands.

"You are so lucky he didn't see you cry", Bruno said, slapping my hands away from my face. With his thumb and index finger he roughly grabbed my chin and pinched it. His face so close to mine his breath covered my face with the smell of alcohol and cigarettes. I wanted to pull away from his grasp but he only pinched me harder.

"Now, you're going to be a good girl and stop crying. If you don't you can be sure I'll give you something to cry for!", he said with clenched teeth.

Then he let go of my face and walked away. He grabbed his jacket from the bed and put it on while walked to the door.

"I'll be back in five, so don't get any ideas", he said while his hands reached for the door knob.

Bruno Mars | Natalie, the untold story (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now