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Chapter 39


I broke loose from his grip and looked at him angry. This man was impossible, I tell ya! Our breaths were trying to calm down as we stood opposed.
It was like there was a magnet on our bodies and we both tried not to give in to this magnetic field. I will be honest, it was hard to resist him.
Then my phone started buzzing again. I reached for my purse and tried to find it.
“Blake? I’m so sorry, I’ll be right up!”
I walked up to the door again and opened it. Bruno stood behind me.
“Bye Natalie!”
Blake heard him through the phone and started shouting. I told him to calm down and that I would be there in 5.
I shot a look at Bruno and then I left the studio. I rushed to my car and drove off to see Blake. When I arrived there he was not very happy.
He asked me what I was doing with Bruno and why I didn’t tell him about it. Most importantly, why I was late. I didn’t know what to say to that last question. What was I supposed to do, lie? I held still for several moments, thinking what was the right thing to do. I didn’t want to hurt Blake’s feelings. I felt something for him, but Bruno was getting in the way. He was messing up my mind and life again.
“I can smell him all over you! What happened, Natalie! The truth!”
Blake was upset and I totally understood him. He looked mad but at the same time I saw he was a little hurt in his eyes.
I decided to tell him what happened; the truth.
While I was talking he was pacing back and forth, his arms behind his back. Not saying a word. Just letting me do all the talking. He told me he understood why this happened and I told him it wouldn’t be happening again.
He said he believed me and I told him I would talk to Bruno and make sure he would leave me alone. We decided to leave things as they were and not to talk about Bruno for the rest of the evening.

In between work Blake and I saw each other more and more. I really started to like him. He was such a sweetheart! I missed this so much, I never realized until now. We would just spend time walking the beach or going out for dinner. Sometimes we would just sit around at his or mine apartment, drinking wine, talking or watching movies.
He had a steady job working for a bank, that sometimes made it hard to see each other, as I would work weekends too. He only worked Monday till Friday. We found a way to work around that.
As for Bruno he was busy with his career, but that did not stop him from contacting me. He would call me or send me text messages. At first I tried to ignore them. I would hang up if he called or just let my phone ring until he finally gave up. I think it was about a week ago when I last heard from him.

Today I was shopping with a friend, Chrissy. I met her at one of the video shoots I did a few months ago. It was nice having a friend around, doing girls stuff with. I could talk about a lot of things with Blake, but some things were, well, not meant for a man to hear.
After Sarah I was careful letting people in again. It was hard to trust someone, but as long as it wasn’t getting to personal it was good.
I could laugh and joke around with Chrissy, but also talk about serious stuff, like my relation with Blake. I didn’t tell her about Bruno, I didn’t want to make things complicated.
It was getting late and we had way to many bags already. I think we were at the mall all day. My legs and feet even started to hurt from all the walking we did.
“You know, I want to do something fun tonight”, Chrissy said while stuffing her bags into the trunk.
“Like what?”, I asked her raising an eyebrow.
She pulled her head from the trunk and looked at me.
“I don’t know! I feel like showing my new clothes somewhere!”, she laughed.
I laughed with her. She was so funny sometimes.
“Let’s bring our stuff home first and then decide what to do”, I said and walked around the car.
We left and she stopped at my home to drop me off. Ten minutes later I got a call from her. She was home and told me she had an idea.
Around 8 p.m. she picked me up, of course showing off her new clothes.
When I opened her car door she greeted me with a grin. I laughed.
“What are you up to? You look sexy girl!”
I got in the car and she pulled off the parking lot.
“What do you have planned?”
She looked at me and chuckled. I shrugged my shoulders, giving her a look.
“Don’t look so worried! Relax, we’re gonna have some fun tonight!”
She didn’t want to tell me what we were going to do. I just sat in the car while she annoyed the fuck out of me, but in a fun way.
We parked the car a few blocks away, I had no idea why.
While walking I lit up a cigarette.
“You know, you should quit that”, Chrissy said disgusted.
“I heard that before.” Sarah said that once..
After a ten minute walk we arrived at our destination.
There was a little crowd outside and some girls were randomly screaming.
I looked around and then I saw we were going to see a band or something.
“Soo… I had tickets to this gig. Someone couldn’t go and gave them to me, I almost forgot it was tonight!”, she said excited while we stood in line.
“Well, who is it?”, I asked curious.
“Bruno Mars!”, she yelled.
I thought I was going to faint and puke at the same time. I guess she saw the shock on my face as she asked if I didn’t like him.
I shrugged my shoulders, not really able to answer her. Some girls around us shot me death glares, I guess they were fans.
It took us a while to get in, but when we did I went straight to the bar and bought myself a drink. I was not going to make it through this night without some alcohol.
Chrissy dragged me to the stage and it wasn’t long before the lights went out and everyone started screaming and pulling their phones out.
I crossed my arms but Chrissy was joining the crowd screaming and clapping. I shot her a glare and rolled my eyes.
“I’m a fan!”, she screamed into my ear.
I guess I am the only one who’s not right now.
I looked around and saw all these girls screaming their lunges out for Bruno. Screaming his name and saying they loved him.
Then he was there, the man of the evening; Bruno Mars.
He wore his usual clothes, fedora, checkered button down, tee, jeans and black Converse. I spotted Phil and he caught my glance. He waved at me and I waved back, smiling and putting my thumb up. Showing him I was proud of him.
Chrissy slapped my arm and asked why Phil waved at me. I lied I didn’t know, that it was a coincidence he saw me.
Bruno welcomed the audience and started to play ‘Billionaire’. Everyone was singing along to the lyrics. I didn’t know them, but Chrissy did. I never heard her sing so loud.  After he started ‘Nothing on You’ I said to her that I had to go to the bathroom and got us some drinks too.
There was no way to get out of here without her knowing. I had to wait until this whole thing was ending. My hands were leaning on the sink and I looked at my pale face in the mirror. Like I had seen a ghost. My eyes were drawn to the scar Bruno had left there to remember his aggressive behavior. If only they knew how he was a few years back. I wonder if they would still be going crazy for this guy. My fingers traced the line of the scar, it made memories flash before me. I closed my eyes and tried to chase them away. I splashed some water onto my face and told myself to pull it together. It would be over soon and then I could leave.

Bruno Mars | Natalie, the untold story (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now