Never leave me...

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The elegant melody can be overheard by the personages in the place. The person playing the violin was on the verge of tears. Solitude can be apprehended in his music.

The ringing doorbell brought the boy back from his solicitudes. He stepped towards the entrance only to find his hyungs with taken-out food. He left the door open for his hyungs retreating to his usual place near the window and continued to play the harmony. The five boys entered the apartment setting everything for the night out.

Jimin was broken by hearing the music. He was in tears. He glimpsed towards the remaining - Hyung! Why is he like this?

No one has the idea for this severe shift in him. Yoongi and Hobi set the bear and soju bottles down on the table near the couch. Namjoon gestured everyone to have a seat and went near the wretched boy.

Namjoon - Kook! Come join us.

Jungkook glanced at him with the eyes which portrayed the loneliness. He didn't utter any word while setting his violin aside. He slowly approached his hyungs settling himself down the couch. The silence filled the room until Yoongi opened the beer bottle and giving one to each except to kook. All were waiting for Jungkook to speak something. But instead, he stared at the bottle for a good enough time and gulped the soju bottle with one go. Everyone is surprised by his behavior because he never drinks in one go. He started even gulping the second bottle. Everyone was silent again and started drinking their bottle.

Hoseok - Kook...

He didn't respond and was reaching for another bottle. Jin stopped him - No. Enough.

Jungkook gave a flash with a leave me only for today look. Jin sighed as he has nothing to say. Jungkook poured two more bottles of soju. All were keen to listen to him. But he remained calm.

Jungkook lowered his head mumbling- Why. Why didn't you take me with you?

No one has a clear idea about what he is expressing. Jungkook gazed at his hyungs with tears flowing down as if they never meant to stop.

Jungkook - Hyung! why did he leave me? What did I do? Did I do anything wrong?

Jimin and Jin embraced him tightly as they were seated next to him. Everyone was weeping including Namjoon and Yoongi.

Yoongi was in full-on angry mode. Furious at himself for failing to protect his brother. Mad at his helplessness even after knowing that kook is hurt.

Yoongi stood up making others flinch at his response - You Idiot. Who in the hell is he? Every day you cry because of him repeating the same words. Why? Why don't you say us who is he?

Jungkook was soundless. Yoongi was about to explode again but Namjoon managed in making him sit. Namjoon neared Jungkook sitting opposite him on the glass stand.

Namjoon - Kookie! Why can't you share with us? Why are you the only one to suffer? Who is he? What happened?

Again a silence.

Hobi - Do you love him...

Jungkook nods. Jin - Does he love you...

Again Jungkook nodes. Yoongi - Words Jungkook.

Jungkook knows that if Yoongi hyung is using his full name it indicates the case is very severe.

Jungkook - Yes. More than anything in this world.

Jimin - Did.. he leave you with...

Jimin felt nervous to complete the sentence. Jungkook assumes what he intended.

Jungkook - No. He didn't cheat on me.

Jin - Did he di-e...

Jungkook's tears continued to fall. Jungkook - No. He...

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