Till the last breath...

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It's Christmas month. Ringing bells, rustling sounds by passersby, horns of the vehicles, the streets of Seoul are diligent with a lot of bright flashes to captivate. At the curve of the road, there is a café with high glass doorways. The shop was shut for the buyers. The lads are relishing their moment in this tiny world together.

"Jin Hyung! Where should I keep these?" a man with black-wavy hair asked the man with black hair who was at the table.

The man looked up to see the black wavy-haired boy clutching a little huge box of Christmas decors.

"Oh! Place them in the room, Tae. We can décor later." Tae nodded and advanced with his work.

A tired boy who was savoring his beautiful nap on the lounge was disturbed by a brown head boy with bambi eyes.

"What now?" he asked the boy who disrupted his sleep and grinning unveiling his crooked bunny teeth.

"Hyung! Wake up we need to help Jin hyung" - pointing to the man at the table.

"That lazy old man is probably tired kook. He was up all night to compose the song" said a man with red hair holding some enveloped gifts advancing towards the room Tae was in.

"Whatever. But let me sleep, Kook. You are disturbing me for the last one hour" the grumpy black-haired male named Yoongi said to Jungkook.

"Hobi Hyung! Need any help with the gifts?" kook asked the red-haired man who was now arranging the boxes in the room with Tae.

"We can handle it Bunny. Now don't divert and continue with your preparation" said Tae.

"How can I study for the exam when you are all working," he says with an obvious pout on his face making everyone coo at the view.

"That old man is not working. And don't worry about us kook. After your exam, you will be unoccupied for 3 months. So you can help us tomorrow. But now you need to focus." Jin said.

Suddenly the bell rings beckoning the appearance of someone.

"Hey, Kook! Help us with the bags" said an orange-haired boy who was draped in warm clothes because of the cold climate outside.

"Jimin~ah! He needs to study for the exam. We can arrange it come on." shouted some other guy from the car with blonde hair.

"Even Rapmon hyung is of no help" Kook whined defeated and remained with his preparation.

The seven boys are involved with their own works. Gradually, the sky is turned from lovely sunset to sparkling night. The street lights glittered. The path was filled with strollers and vehicles.

The twinkling lights flicker in the distance as the shimmering sky sweeps over the city that never rests. Hazy clouds surround the moon so it was in its own realm of eternal darkness. The bustling lanes of the city are occupied with people as the starry black sky spread over it.

The night sky is charming with twinklers and the snowflakes are seen swirling in the sky. The seven boys had their supper and continued their effort as Christmas visits soon. It is about 10:00 pm. They necessitated a lapse advancing the coach which was occupied by a specific man.

Everyone beamed witnessing him. "Tae, carry your bunny to the room and everyone let's wrap it up here. Remaining work, we can continue tomorrow." said Namjoon.

Everyone left their particular rooms on the second floor. Tae is carrying the sleeping bunny in his arms placing him on the soft cushion of the bed. He fiddled with his hair pushing the bangs masking his boyfriend's eyes. He smiled and snuggled him on the bed yet his fingers in his hair.

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