I Hate You...

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The calm winter evenings, the excited Christmas preparations that would start a month early, the happiest smiles...

These are the perfect moments to capture on this little screen. The clicks of the camera with a satisfied grin was an admiring view.

The phone buzzed in his pocket while the edges curved a little more, seeing his mom's contact on the lit screen.


He sing-songed, earning a chuckle from his mom.

'Taehyung-ah, are you busy?'

Tae chuckled - 'No?'

His mom grinned - 'You are bad at lying, baby?.'

Tae whined - 'I'm not lying.'

Tae's mom - 'Fine. When are you coming? We are all here.'

Tae replied - 'Just few more days. I will be there soon.'

Tae's mom ended the call, saying - 'Call me when you are free.'

And Tae continued his work, getting excited at what was waiting to unfold. This is going to be fun.


Half a week passed away. Winter breeze was being naughty. Playing with tender leaves. Making a mess of the raven locks while he let it do. The onyx orbs gazed at the people having fun. His family.

A smile was plastered, never wavering. The campfire, warm food, and peaceful environment. This is life.

Loud gasps and happy howls drummed his ear, drawing his eyebrows together in confusion. The tall figure with messed blondie locks, hugging the hell out of his friends was the scene he came across.

A groan slipped past his lips on recognizing the person. Kim Taehyung. This has caught the attention of his family and Taehyung's too.

He hopped towards the lad skipping a few steps and faked a smile which clearly showed how annoyed he was - 'Taehyung, what a surprise, you joined the trip early. How have you been lately?'

Taehyung smirked, seeing this certain bunny. Faking an aww, he trapped him in a bear hug - 'Jungkook-ah, you missed me? I missed you too, sweetheart.'

Jungkook was annoyed - 'I Hate You'. Why is he doing this again? The reason - You see the woman standing beside Mrs.Kim, that's Mrs.Jeon. She is a total sweetheart but she can give an earful if things didn't turn out well.

And one such situation is this. Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook. Oh god, how each other's mere presence can get them riled.

The evening passed while everyone enjoyed their time and the grumbling Jungkook when he of all was asked to fetch some cool water. And the actual warfare starts now, with a query raised by Hobi.

Hobi questioned - 'So, Tae's gonna share a room with?'

Tae answered back, looking at Namjoon expecting the same answer - 'As usual with my dear cousin.'

Even before he replied, Jin shouted a loud NO. But the next second, he was embarrassed with all the attention.

Namjoon laughed at his antics - 'Tae, you need to have my fiancée's permission for that. And he clearly denied.'

Tae looked at him with betrayal - 'Don't call me if you want a drink. And I am never. ever picking you up from the bar.'

Namjoon smirked - 'Don't bother. I have my fiancée now.'

Tae was ready to throw hands but was pulled back by Yoongi, complaining about their childish behavior. Tae with a huge pout looked at Hobi, whining to him - 'Hyung...'

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