Not a believer of LOVE...

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Once upon a time, in a cozy chamber nestled amidst rolling hills and whispering trees, a mother sat beside her young son, cradling a worn book in her hands. The soft glow of candlelight danced across the pages as she read aloud, her voice weaving a tapestry of love and adventure.

"That's how the king and queen had their lovely ever after," she murmured, her voice carrying a tender warmth that enveloped the room.

The young boy's eyes sparkled with wonder as he listened intently, his imagination soaring to distant lands where knights fought dragons and love conquered all.

"Like mama and papa," he exclaimed with youthful enthusiasm, his voice filled with admiration.

The mother chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling with affection. "Yes, and someday it will be you and your partner," she replied, her heart brimming with hope for her son's future.

But then, with the innocence of a child untainted by the harsh realities of the world, the boy posed a question that pierced the tranquil scene like a sudden gust of wind.

"But mama, when will papa return from war?"

A hush fell over the room as the weight of the boy's words settled upon them. The mother's smile faltered for a moment, her gaze turning somber as memories of her husband's departure flooded her mind. She reached out and tenderly brushed a lock of hair from her son's forehead, her touch gentle yet laden with unspoken sorrow.

"Soon, my dear," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "Soon."

And as the flickering flames cast shadows upon the walls, mother and son clung to each other in silent reassurance, their hearts entwined in a bond forged by love and the promise of a reunion yet to come.

As the night draped the kingdom in its velvety embrace, a lone passenger pigeon sliced through the darkness, carrying tidings of victory from the king. Its coos echoed through the stone corridors of the court, forerunning the triumphant return that awaited with the dawn.

With the first light of morning, the palace stirred with delight, each soul eagerly anticipating the homecoming of their victorious monarch. A guard, bearing news like a cherished treasure, informed the Queen consort that His Majesty and his convoy would arrive before the sun dipped beneath the western horizon.

Filled with elation, the Queen and her son waited eagerly, their hearts brimming with bliss at the thought of their beloved king's return. But their joy was short-lived, shattered by the unexpected arrival of an extra carriage bearing a gift from the Alarius Kingdom.

As the carriage rolled into the palace grounds, the Queen's breath caught in her throat, her heart sinking as she beheld the figure descending from within - not a messenger of victory, but the Princess of Alarius herself, now the Royal Consort of Khalaborg.

Amidst the whirlwind of emotions, what pierced the Queen's heart most deeply was the realization that this alliance was not merely a political maneuver, but an act of love. The love shared between her husband, the King of Khalaborg, and the princess of Alarius.

At that moment, as the world around her seemed to spin, the Queen's shattered dreams and newly formed hopes crumbled into dust, leaving her to grapple with the bitter truth of her husband's affections lying beyond their kingdom's borders.

As darkness descended upon the palace, the Queen stood strong, her heart heavy with sorrow yet her resolve unwavering. Though her dreams may have been shattered, she would remain steadfast in her duty to her kingdom and her son, drawing strength from the love that still burned within her soul.

As the Princess of Alarius assumed her role as the Royal Consort, whispers of dissent briefly stirred among the people, their support initially leaning towards the first Queen of Kalaborgh. However, as time passed, these murmurs faded into the background, overshadowed by the hustle and bustle of daily life.

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