My Sick Boyfriend...

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​The open concert was the hot topic of the week. Why?

Why not? The famous pianist made the rendition by continuing his concert in the rain, completing himself, looking like the portrayal of handsomeness while picking the majestic tune. What amazed me more, was the dedication of his fans, who continued to vibe the song in the rain, with the rain.

That made the news of the day.

Will return with another beautiful moment. Until then


The pianist ruffled his silky brown locks to get down the wetness while hurriedly changing into his casuals.

"Slow down. The concert ended well. What's the rush?"

He rushed to the door knob pausing for a split second to reply - "There is."

And the feet never stopped until he was home. Slipping his mobile and keys on the side chair, he moved towards the lawn glass door. Watching the equally excited puppy, he set the door open.

He ran to the lawn barefoot, feeling the grass grazing his skin softly. The wetness of the soil and the freshly scented air filling his lungs up to the brim calmed his racing heart. The gentle breeze with rustling sounds of the leaves carried him the new stories. And he loves this. Kim Taehyung loves this.


The scene was completely different on the other side of the page. The raindrops struck the window panels making music of their own. Rustling sounds of the papers, clicking the pens, and tiny sounds of the pen strokes added the magic to the tune.

The harsh knock crashed this for a split second.

"Sir, Mr.Min is trying to reach you. He asked me to inform you to call him back."

"Yes. I will. Thanks for that, Seokjin."

"It's nothing, sir." And the secretary Kim SeokJin vanished from the site.

Damn. It switched off again.

The moment he turned it on. 'Angry but Calm Min' is calling...

He answered the call shortly - "Hello, Yoongi. Yeah. Did the concert go well? Ok. Yeah. Thanks for informing."

He arranged some papers, settling some with his laptop to carry back home. Well, he is in a rush. Because his dear husband is home.

Shuffling the car keys, he waved to the secretary, asking him to leave home safe. He drove back home while the rain still danced on the windows. Home

As soon as he parked the car, he heard the giggles of his husband with the woofing sounds of their pet dog Tannie. That made a smile on his face, already imagining the scene. The day went by with him joining the duo in the rain.


The heater was buzzing, unfurling its warmth through the walls. The sneezes and the crinkling sounds of tissues can explain the scene where he got sick.

'Told you. Not to play long.'

Tae giggled at his whiny husband - 'No worries. I have you to take care of me, kookie.'

Jungkook sighed - "Hope it doesn't get worse."

Kookie frowned, flicking the thermometer while the patient was observing with a stupid grin on his face.

'Why isn't your fever running down? It's getting even worse.'

He dropped the thermometer and went downstairs to grab the stew. He fed Tae hoping for him not to throw up again. He is too worried. Tae curled himself into the duvet, trying to find warmth.

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