Preggy Koo... (pt.4)

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Mr.Jeon was so in his thoughts that he bumped into Tae, standing there with his coffee. The warm coffee stained his clothes, making a mess. Jeon didn't even feel sorry, instead lashed his anger at the poor boy.

Mr.Jeon - 'Can't you stay quiet and not cause any trouble for once?'

Tae just stared at his father-in-law with a blank face.

Mr.Jeon felt his anger rise at the blank stare. He grabbed the collar - 'You are just like any other gold digger, aren't you? Name your price tag for your so-called love and fucking leave.'

Tae loosened the hold around his collar - 'Business frustrations must be left outside the gate, Mr.Jeon. Never should we bring them home.'

What frustrated him the most was no one stopped Mr.Jeon. He calmly placed the cup into the sink and paced to his room. He only wants his Koo now.

All the eyes followed him until he reached the room. Only he knew how much he was refraining from lashing out. For Jungkook. You can take it, Tae.

Taking a few breaths, he removed his stained tee and entered the door. Throwing the piece of cloth into the basket, he joined the sleeping beauty on the bed.

Breathing in the intoxicating scent of his husband, he found himself, drowning in somnolence.

Jungkook started kneading the locks while dried tears stained his cheeks. The thoughts kept him up, eating him alive with guilt. He grabbed his phone, dialing Daniel's number.

Jungkook - 'Nielie, I need your help.'


Tae walked through the living room dressed casually. Checking his phone, he walked past the family members. He looked a little tense.

Mrs.Jeon asked hesitantly - 'Are you going somewhere, Taehyung?'

He nodded and strolled through the door.

Mr.Jeon mumbled - 'Did someone dump him or something?'

It's almost afternoon. Jungkook walked out lazily, settling himself on the sofa with some fruits. He is thinking about how to start everything. Jimin stormed through the door with an angry expression while a worried Hobi trailed.

Jimin yelled, startling the baby - 'Jungkook. You divorce your husband right this instant.'

Kook was dumbfounded - 'What!'

Jimin - 'He left you to have a date with another slut. Look at this.'

He harshly threw the phone, knocking the plate off. Kook grabbed the phone, checking the display.

Koo chuckled - 'I didn't think it would end like this.'

Mr.Jeon grabbed the phone swiftly while others peeked in too. All were angry at the photo of Tae with an unknown person on an arcade date.

Jin raged - 'Jimin's right, Koo. Leave him.'

All had the same conclusion. And Jungkook laughed at himself for trusting Tae.

Jungkook - 'I shouldn't have trusted him. What would you say, Yoongi hyung?'

The silence from Yoongi did answer the queries. No one wants Jungkook and Taehyung together.

Jungkook - 'I shouldn't have trusted him when he asked me to come to this house.'

Mrs.Jeon - 'Kook, that's not how it is, baby?'

Jungkook yelled - 'I at least thought you would support him, mom.'

Mrs.Jeon looked guilty while Jungkook why trying not to stress out.

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