Revenge! (pt.2)

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"Jungkook-ah !"

Pulling the phone away from his delicate eardrums - "Why are you shouting, hyung?"

"Just felt like that. Whatcha doing?"

-"I was trying my old outfits."

The soft voice from the other end didn't surprise him, but Kook felt happy - "You would have rocked them."

-"I did. I will send you a picture later."

"That would be appreciated. Had your lunch?"

-"I am going to."

"It's almost past the time, Koo. Go and have it. Don't forget your meds too."

-"Sure, Mom. When are you going to return?"

The chortled laugh from the other end made a smile on Kook's face - "I'm not nagging you. It won't be long."

The call continued for a few minutes before Kook hung up to have his much-needed lunch.


The days passed by with Mina living in fear. She refused to stay with others nor let them in. After all, there are many things to hide. At least she had peace in the university.

But the hope shattered when she noticed the surroundings. She found the empty letters with a music symbol drawn at an end, slipped in her notes, bag, and locker.

She burnt every single piece in her room's trash can. But they keep appearing. With the cherry on top, she noticed the changes in Tae.

Hobi whistled - "You look great in this new style. What happened to your comfy ones?"

Tae was dressed in tights, with a super cool jacket on and matching boots, hair was tied up. He looked chic.

Tae smiled - "Just felt like it."

Mina looked horrified cause of all the changes she observed so far. Tae's way of dressing, talking, and new habits changed, pointing all the arrows to a new feared image in Mina's head.

Yuni shook Mina, seeing her absent-minded - "Are you in?"

Mina didn't answer but the confusion on her face gave off. Jin explained to her - "We were planning on a sleepover at Tae's place tonight."

Mina nodded, giving a positive answer. Tae smiled brightly. Finally, I can make a move.


The ringing doorbell put a smile on Tae's face. He made all the necessary arrangements. Unfastening the apron, he walked to get the door, inviting his friends in.

Tae groaned in annoyance - "Here I thought you all will ditch me."

Jin teased while Jimin played along. They made themselves comfortable and had a great dinner. Yoongi offered to do the dishes, dragging Hobi with him.

After the work, they settled themselves for some board games. Mina excused herself to the washroom.

Tae and Namjoon offered to grab the juice while others kept playing. Mina rushed to the living area, yelling  - "Where's Taehyung?"

Yuni joked - "You finally gone mad. Why are you yelling?"

Mina signaled her to shut up while her raged eyes searched for the lad. That took everyone off guard. The eerie feeling they had before was back with full force.

Hobi tried to speak up - "What's wrong?"

Mina shouted - "Didn't I ask you to shut up?"

Tae walked to them, unfazed - "That's not how you talk with my friends, Mina."

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