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The typical working days, busy people, tapping sounds of keyboards and colorful pens while the equally exhausted lecturer voiced the most important objectives of today's class.

The only lively sound that shared the excitement with the weary students was the ringing bell at the end of class.

"Okay, class. Let's meet tomorrow at the same time."

The happy cheers may or may not have drawn a chuckle from the professor.

"So Mina...?"

Mina chuckled at her crazy friend - "What's with that smile, Yuni? You are scaring me."

"Heard you got another proposal?" A boy with a blinding smile budged in.

Mina - "Not you too, Jimin. I rejected him."

Yuni snickered at her friend - 'Single ass'.

Jimin laughed it off - "We are both too."

Upon the sudden dawn of reality, Yuni groaned - "I want someone."

The other two laughed at their miserable friend. Mina was a beautiful, elegant lady of Canadian roots, studying Modelling in South Korea.

Jimin and Yuni never thought Mina would get this close to them, but who is complaining? The trio are happy.

Jimin nudged her - "Heard there's a new admission in our college."

Yuni frowned - "So what? You want me to invite them?"

Jimin rolled his eyes - "He is such a cutie pie."

Yuni smiled brightly - "Then it's worth a shot."

They happily walked through the hallways in search of the cutie. New Quest Unlocked.

The canteen was a lot more buzzing than usual. Hmm. What might be the reason?

A very much confused cutie pie was checking his surroundings to find one familiar face. Just one, please.

Maybe he was the god's favorite child. God answered him in the form of his new friend. He skipped a few steps towards the pale-looking lad.

"We meet again. This is destiny." - the lad spoke up with a boxy smile.

"This is a cafeteria." - the latter declared done with the energy levels of his so called self-claimed-friend.

"Just accept it, Yoonie Hyung. We are meant to meet again."

"Whatever. Just be seated, Taehyung."

Tae smiled brightly and claimed the spot. Others minded their business because our Yoongi doesn't like being the centre of attention. It's not like he is some bad guy. It's just he sometimes can look like a handsome Grim Reaper.

On the other hand, the trio looked hella confused with each other's thoughts.

Jimin groaned at his annoying bestie - "What now, Yuni? You were super excited back in the class."

Yuni eased her creased eyebrows - "Don't push me. If you want you can go. After all, you both have some hots."

Jimin blushed - "What? No. Me and Yoongi hyung aren't like that. Don't just spout nonsense. And it's not about me."

Yuni shrugged her shoulders - "I don't know Jimin-ah. He isn't my type."

With visible confusion, Jimin anticipated a further explanation - "Cute boys with bright smiles. Isn't he your type?"

Yuni groaned at her nosy best friend - "He is anything but cute, Jimin. Support me, Mina."

On not getting any response, they peeked to the other side only to find her busy staring at the cute boy.

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