I'm a Coward...

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(Park Jimin is the little brother. Bear with it.)

The wedding bells were ringing, and the smiles never dropped. Kim Taehyung was very happy for his brother. So much. Cause his boyfriend was a good person.

Note this, if your brother ever backs your boyfriend, with these words, then he is the most perfect one.

The family has been busy preparing for the past month and accommodating their traditional beliefs to modern culture for the big day of their little one, Park Jimin.

As soon as Taehyung laid eyes on his step-mom holding the precious bundle, he resolved to be nothing but the very best brother, friend, soulmate, father, and mother to this tiny being.

He is the ray of happiness for their little family. The day this little bean decided to introduce his significant other, they seemed disturbed and not quite themselves.

Maybe, he was just overthinking. Nevertheless, their top priority is always their little one and his well-being. His happiness, love, and presence in their life are what truly matters to them.

All can see that Min Yoongi is determined to make a good impression on his boyfriend's family. It's not easy to win over the family of someone you love, but with hard work and dedication, he will be able to earn their approval. It's heartwarming to see the lengths that he's willing to go to show his commitment and love for his partner.

Yoongi - 'Life without him is unimaginable, and I want him by my side always.'

At that moment, Tae knew, he can trust his brother with him. He surely knew. They can make each other happy.

Yoongi sketched the picture in his mind crystal clear. The sight of his fiancé's teary-eyed smile and his brother-in-law's boxy grin, along with the comforting bunny smile, brought a perfect fit to his own gummy smile. He had been approved.


Kim Taehyung strolled around the store while he patiently waited for his order to be carefully packaged. The Wedding Rings.

The soon-to-be spouses loved the design, as it perfectly matched their individual styles.

None of the catchy jewels drew his attention enough to make him stop in his tracks.

However, one piece caught his eye and made him pause. Was it the ring? or the smile that made him take notice?

While the rose gold ring laced with diamonds was undoubtedly stunning, it paled in comparison to the radiance of the person's smile.

After getting everything they needed, they stepped out of the store and started planning their next moves with the package in hand.


Taehyung is meticulously going through all the details as tomorrow is a big day for his little brother and his family. It's going to be tough for him, as he knows he is going to miss his brother terribly.

His intense gaze was fixed on the paper, his flawless face contorted in a frown, and his glasses perched on his nose. The incessant tapping of his pen revealed the depth of his concentration.

As his mother approached the couch and sat down next to him, she asked, "Tae, are you tired?"

He responded with a gentle smile and a tired "Aniyo~~". She then ruffled his hair and took off his glasses - 'Take some rest, bub. We don't want the ugly headaches right?'

She spoke as if she was convincing an eight-year-old. Running her fingers through his locks, she asked him to check on his tired brother who had been complaining earlier.

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