Till the last breath... (pt.2)

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Everyone is settled on the couch in the cafe.

Tae - "Where to next, kook?"

Kook - "All the sites listed are toured. So no more."

Tae - "Then how about we take the rest in these last few days."

All others frowned at his words but agreed with him.

Jin - "Tae, what about others places like mountains. It will be super cool."

Tae tensed up with the word cliffs.

Yoongi - "Hyung! We are wasted with all these. Some other time."

Everyone agreed with him and moved to their respective rooms to grab some sleep.

Tae and kook are cuddling on the bed with kook laying on his broad chest. Kook was resting peacefully hearing the calm heartbeat of his sweetheart which was tugging him to deep slumber. Tae was holding him securely and was staring at him with heart eyes.

Kook - "Tae!"

Tae - "Humm."

Kook gazed into his eyes - "Will you come to the Han River with me?"

Tae smiles - "Sure, my kookie."

Kook blushed and snuggles his face into his boyfriend's chest.

The night sky of the Han River was beautiful to relish. So here the Taekook couple is. There was a peaceful silence between them which was more comfortable. Kook leaned on the tree with Tae lounging on his lap. Kook ran his digits through the silky curly hair strands of Tae who seemed very pleased. His gaze was fixed on the night sky.

Kook - "Tae, promise me that you will fight for your life."

Tae opened his eyes abruptly sitting straight with complicated emotions. He raised kook's face gently with his digits only to notice drops threatening to tumble in his orbs.

Kook - "Please, at least for me."

Tae lured him into a hug squeezing him to his chest. One arm was fastened around the waist of his kook. The other was on his head holding him securely. Kook was holding him with his arms around Tae's waist as his life depends on it. He broke into tears.

Tae was very calm - "When did you know?"

Kook - "When we are organizing for our trip."

Tae - "Any other...?"

Kook - "I didn't."

Tae hummed. The quietness engulfed which was not tranquil as the last one.

Kook - "Tae, promise me."

Tae hummed casually. Kook clutched him tightly.

Kook - "Words Tae."

Tae sighed - " I promise."

Tae embraced kook closely even if it possible - "Kook if I didn't make it, you need to promise me something."

Kook hummed as the words are not helping him.

Tae - "Promise me that you will smile whenever you remember me. Promise that you will never fail yourself because of me."

Kook - " I promise."

The silence evolved again which was comforting. Tae lifts kook's head tenderly with his fingers on his chin. The two were contemplating into each other's eyes ignoring the world for a few flashes. A lovely kiss was shared which proved their love and trust towards each other. The kiss endured for a few minutes. Tae was the one to break the kiss attaching their foreheads.

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