The Unseen Boyfriend... (pt.2)

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"Of course. You can't expect because he is my boyfriend." - Hyungsik

Jungkook rushed and hugged the hell out of Hyungsik - "Hi there hyung."

Hyungsik was squeezed by kook - "Kookie, too tight"

Jungkook released from the hug and smiled sheepishly - "Sorry hyung."

Hyungsik chuckled and pinched his cheeks - "It's fine, kook-ah. Didn't knew your friends would come. Having a sleepover?"

Jungkook nodded - "Will you join us?"

Seojoon shouted abruptly - "NO."

Jungkook asked wiggling his eyebrows - "Why? Going on a date."

Seojoon rubbed his nape awkwardly - "Not that kook. It's just ineedtoapologizehimbecauseofsomemisunderstandingthathappenedthismorning."

Jungkook chuckled - "Hyung, you know that you suck in apologizing right."

Everyone was more than confused with the scene that unfolded. First, they got shocked to see Park Seojoon, the famous model and manager of Vantae fashions. Second Park Hyungsik is like a greek god and he is the boyfriend of Park Seojoon.

Third, Seojoon who is well known for his confidence is standing here like a kicked puppy asking for forgiveness. Fourth, the unseen boyfriend is not yet revealed.

Jungkook turned towards Hyungsik asking - "What actually happened hyung?"

Hyungsik was very angry at Seojoon - "He was flirting with Mrs.Lee in the office. And to add that up he was blushing for something which she said."

Jungkook smiled at the drama duo and spoke up - "Hyung, seojoonie hyung might have done something wrong. But did you listen to his side?"

Seojoon slowly approached Hyungsik and back hugged him locking his hands so that he cannot push him - "That is what kookie, he is not letting me explain. Why would I flirt with a married one? She was saying that I am very lucky to have him in my life. (he continued to explain while kissing his nape) I was explaining to her how my boyfriend was pretty, *kiss* handsome, *kiss* cool, *kiss* beautiful..."

Hyungsik was a blushing mess because they are not the only ones in the house.

Hyungsik said mumbling the last words - "Fine. I accept your apology. Now leave me we have guests, idiot."

Seojoon winked at kookie mumbling it worked.

Jungkook smiled at the duo - "Hyung, where is he?"

Hyungsik - "In his room."

Jungkook smiles and rushes to the room not acknowledging the fact that his friends even followed him. Some are totally confused about what exactly they are doing. So decided to follow kook dragging the remaining with them.

He slightly opened the door giving him enough space to peek in. He frowned when he didn't find his boyfriend. Instead was met with an empty big room. He walked in without realizing the chain of his friends who settled in the sitting area.

 He walked in without realizing the chain of his friends who settled in the sitting area

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