'Our' Princess... (pt.3)

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Since many of you are confused cause of my immature writing style, I wrote a pt.3 of 'Our' Princess. Hope all your doubts are clarified.

So here it is. Enjoy.


The days were routine with the little family strengthening their bond. Mrs.Kim visited them every day to help Kook for some or another reason.

At first, it was good. They liked spending time with their mom. But later it felt suffocating. It's not like they hate her. But they both didn't have some quality time together.

Mr.Kim didn't want the past to repeat so he took the situation into his own hands. He took his wife out on a long trip and talked about her insecurities.

It was some random Friday. Aera took a day off from school spending all day with her mom. They baked some cookies, had a stroll in the park, and had movie time.

And Tae was engaged with office stuff, pushing to cut some slack on the weekdays to spend some time with his family.

The next fabulous morning, was Saturday. Aera was occupied on a girls' day out with Y/n. So, it's solely the two of them. Tae pouted at his daughter who was waving a bye-bye.

Tae walked back into the house, while Kook followed him.

Kook pecked his cheek - 'Don't be too upset, Mr.Kim. You have your husband to relish the day.'

Tae beamed at his husband, tickling him to death. That's how the day began for the couple.

With Tae cooking lunch and his Kook appreciating the view, the afternoon passed by. A drive to the outskirts of the city, but Kook drives the bike. And the return route to the house, with Tae ending up driving the bike this time.

And the evening sky fell, welcoming the starry night. They were cuddled up on the terrace, randomly counting the stars.

Jungkook grinned at his husband - 'You are staring.'

Tae didn't reply to that but his features stiffened. He sat up, bearing his weight on his hand while the other tugged the strands of Kook's raven hair behind his hair. Jungkook didn't speak but waited for his husband.

Tae - 'Are you planning to leave us again?'

Something shattered inside Jungkook. And who is the one to be blamed? Kook spoke softly not pushing Tae too much - 'What made you think so?'

Tae rambled with worry - 'Everything. You spent the whole day with us. You did all this the night you left us. I don't know what you are ​thinking.... '

He looked at Kook and continued - 'I'm scared. Please, don't leave me again. I can't stand it.'

Tae embraced him and continued - 'I'm so so mad at you. But I don't want to be mad at you. I..'

Jungkook stroked his hair softly - 'There's nothing wrong with you being mad at me. I'm sorry. For everything.'

Tears welled up in Tae's eyes - 'What made you leave us? Was it that easy?'

Tears rushed down his cheeks while Kook rubbed circles on his back - 'No. It was hard. Harder than I expected it to be. But the thought of you both having a happy life made it less painful.'

Tae pulled out from the hug, caressing the other's face - 'You are stupid, Kook.'

Kook sniffled - 'I know.'

Tae whisper-yelled - 'No. You don't.'

They stayed in the stillness for a few minutes only for Tae to break it - 'What made you consider that?'

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