He's already taken... (pt.2)

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Last chapter -----

Many are here to discover the lover of Jeon. But found themselves staring at the lover of Taehyung dancing with him.

They fell in step, letting the rhythm control the movements. The oryx orbs glistened, finding the brown ones. A beautiful smile brightened the features.

Blissful feelings surged through the body, with no chains to hold them back from this utopia.

Tae drew him close to his chest, holding the waist protectively while another was caressing the cheeks softly. He slowly guided one of his hands onto his chest while one was wrapped around his neck. His mate can clearly feel his racing heartbeat.

Tae delicately tucked his locks behind his ear, freeing the oryx orbs to meet his brown ones

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Tae delicately tucked his locks behind his ear, freeing the oryx orbs to meet his brown ones. They continued to dance, too lost in the music to halt. He leaned in and planted his lips on Tae, wrapping his arms around his neck tightly as the kiss continued.

They were too engaged in a bubble of bliss to feel the stares. The couple vanished from the ball while people were stuck in stupefaction. No one got a glimpse of his mate. Bummer slapped them from various directions.


The weekends were announced as a holiday cause everyone needed a very required rest to regenerate themselves. Saturday and Sunday passed by. Monday. The day back to study.

Various departments regained their colors with students. Everything went perfectly. Not so

Cause there were students outside the chancellor's room. V was being questioned by the faculty about his reckless act of destroying the music room.

The music room was being held responsible by Mr.Kim. He accused Tae of destroying the instruments. Cause he was the only one with permission to enter the music room on Saturdays.

His bandmates were worried sick about him. He wasn't the type to act rashly. But they can't persuade the trainers.

Thumping sounds of the timberlands on the floor echoed the hallways. A worked-up president was running through, thrashing through the students. He was never like this. What got him so worried was the first thing he heard about the guitarist in the morning.

He hurriedly knocked on the cabin's door. Don't want to come off rude for barging into the office room.

Jungkook - 'I'm sorry for my sudden presence, Mr.Bang. But he is being falsely accused for something he has never done.'

Mr.Kim - 'Are you stating that I have done this deliberately?'

Jungkook strode forward, shielding Tae - 'Every nook of this university knows how you loathe him, Mr.Kim. You just can't stand him. Admit it.'

Mr.Kim - 'I see, you are playing dirty here. Where is the evidence then?'

Jungkook - 'He was with me on saturday.'

Mr.Kim smirked, which looked ugly on his face - 'With you. Can you explain it further?'

Jungkook strode forward, staring at Mr.Kim - 'Surely. We were on a date on Saturday.'

Mr.Kim made a disgusted face - 'Date?'

Jungkook smirked evilly - 'Yes. A date on Saturday. And your son fucked me real good. And I can get into details on that too, Mr.Kim. But you are old enough to imagine, right?'

Even before Mr.Kim started to attack, Jungkook helped Tae put on the airpods, turning on the music.

Jungkook continued with an unbothered face - 'Now you can.'

Mr.Kim fumed red, hearing him - 'You, piece of gayshit.'

And the rambling started until Mr.Bang took over the scene asking everyone to leave except Mr.Kim.

Taekook walked towards the cafetaria, which was all empty cause they have half an hour or so till the lunch bell.

Kook stating on how Tae shouldn't care about what his dad says. And even accusing him partly for making him run along the hallways with an empty stomach. Now here they are, in the cafetaria filling up their stomach and feeding each other.

The words traveled faster in the air, reaching every corner of the university.

Guitarist V and President Jeon are a couple.

Students strolled into the hallways the moment they were led free from the boring classes. Jimin raced to the cafeteria, knowing about his friend.

The little friend's group occupied the table, staring at the new guest gobbling his food. He looks different than what they have seen till now.

The rambling of charging his boyfriend never stopped till the last bite of his food. Tae was no different. He was staring at his darling with contentment.

Jin - 'President Jeon is your boyfriend.'

Jungkook with a raised eyebrow - 'Got any problem.'

And the intimidating Jeon is back.

Hobi - 'I'm not blaming you, but why didn't you say us. We are your friends.'

V sighed with guilty - 'It's not that I don't trust you all, hobi hyung. I just ..don't want my father to target him.'

Jungkook cupped Tae's face planting a small kiss on his nose - 'Don't need to worry about that now. You are with me. Your friends are with you. Let's just relax.'

Tae glanced at his friends, who answered him with an assuring smile. He looked back at his darling staring at his bambi eyes. He cupped his soft cheeks, caressing them softly, and kissed his forehead lovingly. Kook smiled at the loving gesture.

Tae was thankful to his friends for supporting him from the beginning. Grateful for his darling for walking by his side in thick and thin. For understanding him and having hope in their relationship. For promising him to be with him till the end.

He made a promise to himself to cherish his darling, to give him all the love in this world even after his last breath. Cause he loves this particular Jungkook with bambi eyes.

Jimin dramatically raised his water bottle - 'Welcome to our friend's group, President Jeon.'

Jungkook giggled at the friends - 'Thank you. And Jungkook or Kook is fine.'

Everyone did a toast following the dramatic lead dragging Jungkook into their world. Something new awaits them. Why not enjoy the sweet moments rather than holding the hard ones.


Hello guys..

Hope you all are doing great.

Stay safe and healthy.

I purple you.


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