He's already taken...

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The babbling sounds of the students filled the hallways, once they took the sight of colorful charts on the notice board. Seems like another welcoming fete for the juniors.

'What's so great about the party. It's just gonna be like some other nonsense speech gatherings.'

'Nah. President Jeon requested the principal for it to be a masquerade.'

'Wohhh. Need to prepare the costumes. We need to thank him later.'

'Another important thing to gossip about. V's band is on the list?'

Squealing sounds and enthusiastic howls rattled the peaceful atmosphere. The bell rang quietening the chattering noises and students moved back to their class. The president's meeting room was still in busy mode as they are in charge of the party.

'Everything should be perfect, and the chairman is going to give a starting speech and....' the explanation continued.

'President Jeon, what should be the theme color for the party?!'

And like that President Jeon was stuck in the workload. This is going to be their first masquerade party at the university. If the limits are crossed, they are never gonna enjoy those again.

'It's almost time for lunch, Jeon.'

'You guys can leave. I need to prepare the list and present it to Mr.Bang.'

And Jeon Jungkook was left alone in the meeting room. It's always like this. He was almost in his third year still he didn't make any friends. They were such a pain in the ass from the beginning. They either approached him cause he is a president or just wanna get into his pants. Why waste time on such people. His intimidating aura and fascinating ink on his skin did scare off many useless pricks. Being a boxer and having a muscular body did add some extra efforts for the scaring the shit out of them. So he was familiar with the academy as a reserved President Jeon.

The cafeteria was busy as always. The clinking sounds of the cutlery were soon superseded by the squealing sounds when the sight of a handsome music guitarist entered the dining hall. Kim Taehyung also called V, his stage name is a god's favorite child. Too bad. Cause Handsome men are either in a relationship or gay. Still, it never stopped the girls from reaching him.

Yoongi - 'So, what are you planning for the fete?'

Tae chuckled and whispered softly - 'Secret.'

Jimin whined - 'Whyyy. We were so excited to ask you.'

Namjoon - 'Did you discuss it with your bandmates?'

Tae - 'Yeah. We have a pretty brilliant list for President Jeon.'

Jin - 'I'm eagerly waiting for the party. For the ball dance precisely.'

Hobi - 'Just admit it that you are eager about President Jeon's partner.'

Tae - 'Why so?'

Jimin - 'Gossips buddy! These days there are none. So we are bored.'

Namjoon - 'There's a flying rumour that he is in relationship.'

Jimin - 'with a boy.'

Tae - 'Are you perhaps...'

Hobi - 'What the fuck. Noo. We are not disgusted. It's just we are curious.'

Yoongi shrugged - 'Curiosity kills a cat.'

While others glared at Yoongi and Tae left the table to the music room.

Jimin - 'How about this. We sneak into the meeting room. You know... we can find something.'

Hobi - 'And what is our coverup reason?'

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