Preggy Koo...

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The twinkling lights were sparkling in his orbs while his legs were tapping continuously. His mind was making many conclusions, but the happy smile on his face forced away all the unhappy thoughts. He was waiting patiently in a room decorated with candlelights while many helium balloons were kissing the rooftop.

In the turmoil of all these feelings, the creaking sound of the doorknob caught his attention. Overpowering the calmness, footsteps could be heard distantly. The heartbeats quickened, touching the peak of Mount Everest. A deep voice was resonating the silent walls. - ' Kook-ah, I'm home.'

Whenever he heard this voice, he would run to the door to get his daily dose of hug, but today is a bit different. He remained in his place without moving a single muscle.

The voice rang again, calling out his name. Exhaustion was laced in the note, but the brown orbs searched for his angle. His legs took him up to their room. Twisting the knob slowly, he entered the room.

Instead of his angel, he was surprised to see balloons filled in his room while tagged with some photo cards at the ends. He was confused but patiently walked through the door and caught a few photo cards. There were many photos of them together with a small message at the end.

 There were many photos of them together with a small message at the end

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'I love you. I don't say it out of habit. I say it to remind you that you are the best thing that ever happened to me.'

'Happiness is on the way.'

'Our family is about to get bigger by two feet.'

A smile wrapped upon his face, but the last note made him a little confused. Slowly a pair of arms snaked around his waist. He turned around, accepting the hug while he softly kissed his baby's head.

"Thank you for the surprise. But what's so special today?"

Kook didn't pull away from the hug, but he was staring into the pair of brown orbs that captured him forever.

Kook smiled at his husband, bopping his nose with his fingers - "Your surprise didn't end yet, hubby. You got a promotion Mr.Kim Taehyung."

Tae smiled softly, brushing away the strands of his baby's hair - "Uncle, didn't convey me about it?"

Kook pulled away from the hug and walked to the bed, grabbing a box from the side stand. He handed it to Tae while Tae was confused about his baby's actions.

He stared at his baby for a good few seconds and opened the box hesitantly. When his brain processed the information, tears were rolling down his eyes.

He took the photocard of the ultrasound scan, which has a note at the end. - '31 weeks until Baby Kim arrives.'

He looked up with teary eyes to meet the dazzling ones of his husband. Kook knows what his hubby wants to hear.

Kook - "You got promoted from a husband to a Dad, Mr.Kim."

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