The Unseen Boyfriend...

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The beeping noise of the alarm startled the serene slumber of the bunny boy. He was pulled all the way from his fairyland to existence. He groaned and stirred up to fix himself for the hectic schedule of his university. After doing his morning routine he went down to the dining room. A woman who was dressed elegantly was arranging the table for her husband and dear son.

Kook smiled - "Morning mom, going somewhere?"

Mrs.Jeon - "Morning honey. Need to join your father at today's meeting. We can be late because of this busy day."

Kook nodded softly - "Need to wake dad?"

Mrs.Jeon - "Nahh. He must have been up by now."

Mr.Jeon entered dramatically - "Good morning bub and my gorgeous lady."

Kook - "Mom, how did you end up with this over-dramatic one?"

Mr.Jeon gasped dramatically - "I heard that mister. And I am greatly offended by my own son."

Mrs.Jeon - "What can we do Kook? I don't have many options back then because I love your idiot dad."

Mr.Jeon said back hugging his wife - "I love you too, sweetheart."

Kook cleared his throat.

Mr.Jeon smiled - "Fine. I love you too my little son."

Kook smiled his famous bunny smile - "I love you too dad."

The breakfast was served. All the three were savoring the meal prepared.

Kook - "Mom, I am having a sleepover with my friends."

Mrs.Jeon - "Ok. So you are not going to visit our son-in-law today?"

Mr.Jeon - "Why don't you just ask him to move in with us. I miss my favorite son."

Kook rolled his eyes at his father but smiled - "We will talk about that dad. And mom I will return tomorrow morning."

Mrs.Jeon - "Ask him to visit us tomorrow if he's free from his work plan. We kind of miss him."

Kook nodded. He waved at his parents before leaving for the university. Even though he is the heir of a successful and strict businessman, he fancies living a regular life where he can find contentment in little things.

He shuffled to the university enjoying mother nature and found his friends waiting for him. He waved at them.

Kook - "Good morning Hyungs."

Jin - "Good morning kook-ah."

Kook - "Where are the others?"

Namjoon - "Might be in the classes. Because they have their first class at 9."

Jimin - "Kookie, let's go, or else we will be late too."

With that, they made their way to their respective classrooms.

(Time skips to lunchtime)

Jimin and kook were in the same class. They entered the cafeteria finding their friends already on their table with the lunch trays.

Jimin - "I am hungry. Let's hurry up."

While they were moving to pick some lunch trays for both of them someone approached them.

Ki-moon - "Jungkook, Can I have a talk with you?"

Jungkook signaled Jimin to not wait for him. But being Jimin, he moved a little far from them giving a little space but decided to wait for his friend.

Ki-moon was tensing a lot shifting his weight from one leg to another. Jungkook observed his behavior and smiled at him to ease him up.

Jungkook with an assuring smile - "I won't judge you Ki-moon. Feel free."

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