Preggy Koo... (pt.2)

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Mrs.Jeon with a troubled face - 'Jin-ah, What a surprise.'

Jin - 'Good to see you too, aunty.'

Mrs.Jeon slowed and walked in - 'What a generous man you are Taehyung. You invited his hyungs, too.'

Tae laughed awkwardly.

Yoongi - 'Uncle called us for backup.'

Jungkook with a confused face - 'Backup.'

Hobi replied shortly to stop him from overthinking - 'The more the merrier right.'

Everyone settled down chatting with their dear bunny boy while shooting daggers at his husband.

Jungkook clutched his husband's hand softly for comfort - 'Since everyone is here. We would like to say something.'

Taehyung nodded at him, and Kook announced the big news - 'I'm pregnant.'

Not receiving any response, they both looked up, finding everyone surprised. The hormones made Kook cry, messing up his mind.

Jungkook buried his face into Tae's chest while tears streamed down. Tae hugged him close, whispering that they were just surprised.

Jimin sat beside Kook, hugging him sideways - 'Kookie, we were just surprised. See we all are happy.'

Kook turned towards him with teary eyes and a red nose - 'Really?'

Jimin hugged him close - 'Very much.'

They continued their exciting talks about the baby. Jungkook was trying to keep up with them, but it was past his bedtime. He dozed off on Tae's shoulder.

Seeing his husband napping, he excused himself. Carrying the squishy burrito into their room, he kissed his forehead. Locking the door beforehand, he walked downstairs expecting the situation.

As he predicted, everyone was shooting sabers, ready to kill him.

Tae - 'Can we keep it a little low? I don't want him to stress out.'

Yoongi flung himself on Tae, directly to the collar - 'I believed you are my only friend. You suddenly disappeared and I see you here like THIS after 8 fucking years.'

Others didn't expect this coming. They had a whole night to discuss, nothing to rush.

Tae whispered - 'I'm sorry.'

Yoongi left his collar - 'You think a mere sorry is ENOUGH.'

Tae hugged his only friend, tucking his head on the shoulder - ' I'm really sorry for all those years. I missed you.'

Tears rushed down the cheeks of both friends.

Yoongi gritted his teeth - 'You owe me a fucking explanation, Mr.Kim.'

Tae just tightened his hug. After what felts like years, both of them calmed down. Tae explained to them how he was forced to go to the states by his father. The fight they both had after he returned.

The terms aren't good between them, and his marriage proposal with Kook added oil to the fire. Tae didn't get into the real details about who his father is. And how he cut off the ties with his father.

A moment of silence followed by Namjoon clearing his throat, and asking for a glass of water. He didn't like this awkward silence.

Tae cleared his throat and rushed to the kitchen to fetch a glass of water.

Hobi - 'You never said this to us.'

Yoongi massaged his forehead - 'I don't know what to say, Hoba. He did say me about how his father is. But I never expected it to come this far. He only had his father.'

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