Chapter 1

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That's really all it took.

It only took a single click to end the thieves' leader's precious little life. Cold blood dripping off his head, leaving a big stain on the table as he hit it.

The detective couldn't contain his laughter as he saw the corpse; It was easier to get rid of him than he thought it would be. All he really had to do was become numb and pull the trigger on Akira.

But the boy seemed quite weak anyways, maybe he overdosed after all those injections. He would've died sooner or later; Yeah, it wouldn't be Goro's fault either way.

After making sure it looked like a suicide by leaving the gun in the other's hand, he then left the room in silence.

The whole time he was walking home, he felt his whole body trembling; unsure of what that horrid feeling was.

And well, it didn't take long till the brunette completely broke down once he arrived at his place; pulling his hair and crying out loud while shaking. It didn't make sense. Why did he have to get too attached to someone he had to murder? And why did it have to leave such an empty feeling in his heart?

But he wasn't the only one who was losing his mind.


"Breaking news: the suspect held in custody has committed suicide. The police officers have now confirmed his death...", the news went on.


It was as if time froze right there. It couldn't be true right? Did their plan truly fail...?
Of course, all of the thieves immediately took out their phones, asking each others if they somehow managed to get access to the Nav in time, but no.

They did fail.


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"Huh.." meanwhile, being locked somewhere in nothingness, Akira opened his eyes to look around at his surrounding. It seemed like... truly nothingness, practically. He couldn't really move freely either.
"Quite dark here..- OW!", the Noiret immediately got interrupted by a rough whack onto the back of his head as huge black wings appeared behind him.

"My Liege...", and with what felt like a strong gust of wind and a few blue flames, Arsene appeared in front of him. "So you couldn't avoid ruin after all..."

"What the-", he tried to speak up again, but that just ended with another whack onto the back of the poor boy's head.

"Let me finish my sentence..." the persona landed down on his feet with those big fancy boots that always fascinated everyone who took their eyes on them.

"Yeah, okay, no. Where am I and what happened...? My head's throbbing...", his voice sounded quite low, and it had a slight scoff of annoyance with it after getting repeatedly whacked.

"To cut it short...", Arsene's voice grew more serious and he spread his wings all the way out when he tried to explain the whole situation;

"𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘥"

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