Chapter 31 - Epilogue

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- 9ᴛʜ ᴏꜰ ᴀᴘʀɪʟ; 08:00ᴀᴍ -


"Isn't it impressive? It's been a year already."

"... Yeah, it is."


The park was always a nice place, especially ever since it got swings.

"A lot of things have changed since new year's, huh... I'm glad you recovered from all of that", Futaba then started to twirl a bit of hair around her finger. "I got into Shujin, now I'm in the same class as Sumi!"

"You sure are a cute couple.", Akira smiled.

"Yeah, hehehe. Did you know Mako and Ann are together now too?"


"They're cute too. Oh and... I'm glad you get to stay with us... Now we're real siblings!"

"Oh dear."

Futaba, gasped; "What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Just kidding."

"Tsk Tsk. And anyways... Weren't you supposed to meet with someone today?"

"... Yes."
He then took a glance to the glove he had been holding onto the whole time. "In fact... I should get going now. Tell the others I'll be coming later!"

"Got it!"

- - - -

And there he was... Brown hair, reddish eyes, black gloves and the iconic trenchcoat; just leaning against a random wall, all humble.

"... You kept your promise."


"I always do."



WAU. That took a longg while to finish! Thank you all for reading :)

- I really hope the ending doesn't seem to bland, or that some things are too vague. Personally, I like to keep things a mystery, so that the readers can make things up on their own ^^

- I also already have a lot of new ideas, but I'm not sure whether to write them here or try out something like AO3! It's still uncertain. I still hope you all enjoyed this angsty story!✨

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