Chapter 24

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This pain... This pain must've been the worst I've ever felt. Believe me, dear readers, I went through a lot of pain, even torture. But nothing had ever hurt this much. I felt my heart - if that even still existed - beating faster every second.

It was the first time I've ever felt so much panic and despair. As I died first, I don't remember how much it hurt. It was just a quick shoot in the head and bang.

It was over.

Completely drugged and unaware, I lost my life. And this time? Ohhhh. It was agonizing. I knew what was coming, but the execution was still horrible. It was quick, but still.

Imagine getting your head separated from your body by a guillotine. Not so funny now, is it?

Yeah, it definitely wasn't. But the action in itself wasn't the most painful thing. It was more the panic before... Obviously I didn't want to die, even though I already was dead. Why would I give up the only thing I had left? I have no idea. But as it happened, a bunch of thoughts entered my mind. All the moments I spent with my friends... I was happy. For the first time in a long while.

But then it all ended abruptly, my head was covered in a blue cloth of velvet, and then it was over.


And so this is it, huh? This must be really death then.

I never expected it to be this... quiet. It seemed my mind was finally clear again, yet all my senses have gone lost. I couldn't smell, see, taste, hear, nor feel anything.

It was just... dark, and quiet. It honestly reminded me of that void, but there I saw Arsene, and even my own two transparent hands. Now, although?

There was nothing.

All that was left were my fainting thoughts. I guess I really did lose it all after all now, even my physical body. But if the world is going to be safe now? So be it.
I'd do anything to make sure they're alright. As long as they're happy and breathing... I'm happy.


Even if that means giving up myself.

- - - - - - - -

"Aahh, I'm so glad you called me after all, Akechi-kun! I got you snacks and-"

"Uh-huh... Look, Maruki-san, I really appreciate it, but you know exactly why I called you."

Maruki indeed did know why the detective had called him in so suddenly. However, he would've never figured that Akechi would find it out that quickly. Suppose he just let his guard down.

"... I do, and that's what I had wanted to talk about as well."

Internally, Goro had to smile. He was happy about being right, especially in this tiring time where the world made no sense anymore. Oh well, did it ever?

"So you could see him too, am I right?", immediately switching into professional mode, the brunette then started to question the counselor. Of course he had to know everything, it's his job, and Akechi always took his job seriously.

Takuto hesitated, but eventually leaned back on his seat, sitting in the exact way he would've on his therapy sessions. "That's correct... I was able to see Kurusu-kun too. And the truth is...", suddenly sitting back up in a more tense way, he then continued talking, "I want us to strike a deal."

"Oh?", immediately recognizing that tension, the detective straightened up himself as well, "Go on, Doctor."

"I can bring Kurusu back. But in return... I want you to accept my reality- well... THIS reality."

"Wh- your reality? What in the h- egg. What in the egg are you even talking about!?"

"Oh, my bad, you haven't realized it yet-? This is all an illusion... Did you ever wonder why your dear friend's body isn't gone yet?

...Akechi-kun, you actually should've died instead."

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