Chapter 29

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Bright lights...
The beeping sound that kept on playing...
and the smell of ill and dying people.

Ah, the hospital. Was it already evening..?
Right, nothing made sense anymore.
But everything was hurting... Were those bandages on my head..? No, they were everywhere..!

"Hey, you. You're awake, aren't you?", a voice then suddenly called out... It sounded so muffled, but eventually my ears cleared up. I took a glance around the room, not daring to even lift my throbbing head... and saw multiple figures surrounding me. Who were those people...? They seemed to be doctors... And... police... officers...

A sudden feeling of hate rushed over me. Didn't I suffer enough already? If those people were gonna tell me some shit like 'you're under arrest', then I... I'll kill them.

However, to my relief they didn't say anything like that.

Anyways, now was my chance to finally ask about the whole situation... So I gathered my strength together and asked those people with a weak voice; "What happened..."

They were silent for a second, but after a bit one of the female doctors finally replied to me. "We don't know how it is possible for a dead person to come back to life. And we want answers. But if you want to know your current status, then I can just say that isn't looking so good."

Oh dear.

Soon another person then added on, explaining things in more detail; "Your temperature is way below the norm, we found a few remainings of different substances in your veins, 4 broken ribs as well as bruises all over you, a concussion,.. But we already completed surgery. For your information, we contacted multiple people about all of this. But none have an explanation as to why you are alive, how all these 'Phantom Thieves' were involved in the huge scandal, nor to what will happen next. We also contacted a lawyer- well... The prosecutor who interrogated you to make sure none of this gets mentioned in the media. It'd be better for you to stay here for a while."

... Jesus christ. All of this sounded like a crazy story people would write for fun... But it was real. Reality really was this fucked up. I know Arsene warned me about that... If only I would've listened to my personas before all of this happened.

I didn't have anything to say... So I just continued laying there quietly.
How did everything get so bad? And why on Christmas... Sigh.

"...We also informed your family, they should arrive soon."

... Huh?
They did what?


They have to be lying.

I tried to sit up, but I didn't have the strength. Fuck... I couldn't move at all. But I don't want to see them. Anything but that...

A knock.


And then the door swung open. They walked in. They were there.

And they stared at me in utter disgust and disappointment.

The world started to get blurry... And I looked anywhere else to not have to meet their gazes. How could they... How could they dare to come here after what they had done to me?!

I only listened slightly to their conversation... But a few things stuck out to me.

"Yes, we'll take him back home at new year's."
"Oh yeah, he's quite delusional... You know, Schizophrenia..."

... What..?
That's not true...

They are lying to those people's faces!
"No... I'm not delusional..."

"He's often in denial."

I gritted my teeth.

"Maybe you should go back to sleep, Akira."

... I hate them...

- - - -

The door to LeBlanc soon opened again after Maruki had left, and now the group wasn't even sure what to say anymore.

"... Are you telling the truth, sis..?", Makoto stared at her older sister in shock.

Sae let out a sigh, seemingly distraught. "Yes. He's alive, and currently in hospital. Now, can somebody please explain this to me?"



"Shut up Ryuji!", Ann hissed and shook her head, then she went over to Makoto and just leaned against her like if it was something completely normal friends do.

Makoto blushed shortly, but then she just immediately started to explain the situation. Everything, including the whole thing with Akechi.

"... What."

"Yep. But... Can we see him..?"

"... I guess it shouldn't be a problem."
Of course it was illegal, but at this point not even the prosecutor cared about the law. The leader of the phantom thieves didn't deserve it, and she felt like it was somewhat her fault as well.

"Then let's get going, and find him.", Sumire replied, having a now confident smile on her face as she was holding Futaba's hand.

- -

But they weren't alone...
And a dark figure followed them.

"Tsk.. Idiots"

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