Chapter 25

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//𝐂𝐖: 𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞//

"Wha- Stop talking bullshit!"

Internally, although, he knew exactly.

He knew it from the start, all of this was wrong. The phantom thieves should've noticed his oh so famous pancake slip-up, there was no way their leader would just let himself get killed.

So why did he? Why would Akira Kurusu let himself go?

It was the one thing the detective just didn't understand. It really should've been him. Like in the other reruns, it was always him.

So what was this 'doctor' talking about? A different reality? He could only laugh. Something like that didn't exist. And even if...

He won't ever accept it.

Getting up from his seat, he approached that therapist, jacked him up by his shirt and stared him deadly in the eye. "Bring Kurusu BACK.", he then tightened his grip some, and Maruki became aware that Akechi really was entirely serious. "I won't accept some idiotic reality. Now get him back or else..."

"Aha- Now let's calm down shall we-?
Please let me down, Akechi-kun, and hear me out."

The detective growled again, but eventually he obeyed and just let him down. It was one of the things he was taught; if you want to strike a deal and win, you have to keep your cool and be determined of your goal. Akechi's objective? Save Kurusu.
It was even surprising for him, especially since he hated that guy, but for some reason that unsettling feeling won't leave his stomach. Shido was gone... But he still wasn't happy. The sky was still bloody red, and as long as the true wildcard won't come back, the world will fall to ruin. That's what that hideous butterfly always told him.

Why couldn't he be the hero in this? Why couldn't he be the trickster of light?

He was always reeking of jealousy. But just for once in his life he wanted to do something good... And this is the only way how to do it.

"FINE. Then tell me about this 'reality'. And if it was so perfect, why did Akira have to...", Akechi then cut himself off, if he wanted to stay calm, then he had to approach this topic in a different way. "Why didn't you just kill me since you're so powerful? You said I actually should've died; This twist of fate isn't fair towards Kurusu."

Dusting himself off, Takuto sat down again and started talking again after a little while of thinking his words through. "Look, I know you think this is unfair, Akechi-kun... But, well... Let's say it isn't that easy. I tried to create a reality where you two could be happy together... But well... The gods didn't want that."


"Aha- I'm telling the truth, Goro."

That sentence truly sent a shiver down his spine. Maruki had never used his first name, but apparently now he was really serious. He couldn't make any mistakes now, so he stayed quiet and let the counselor continue.

"I nearly did it, too, but... Kurusu didn't let me. Maybe he was aware that the gods would react this way and-"

Goro gritted his teeth. He couldn't stay calm anymore. After all, Akira did try and warn them; but nobody realized. "Then why didn't you listen?! Now he's DEAD! And it's MY fault..."

Drawing his gun... he then aimed it right at the other's heart.

"Fix this, or I'll do it myself."

- - - - - - - - - -


While it had already started to rain this crimson red blood, the Phantom Thieves soon finished cleaning up the nearly destroyed Cafe. Of course Sojiro appreciated it, but the mood still didn't lighten up a bit. Who would want to celebrate Christmas when the world is falling apart, after all?

Seeking for just a little bit of solace, the girls did their best to make themselves comfortable by a few blankets and drinking some hot coffee while the boys tried to look for any sign upstairs.

In fact, they did notice something.


"Eh? What's up, Ryu--", looking in the same direction as the blonde, the cat then saw it as well. The broken window.

Why was it broken?

The ruckus on the second floor then drew the others' attention in as well, and soon they were all upstairs, staring at the broken window.

"... Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?"

"... He was here..."

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