Chapter 30 - The Finale

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I really didn't want to fall asleep while they kept on spreading lies... But I suppose I couldn't help it, and eventually closed my eyes again.

Who knows what they told those doctors; I just wanted this nightmare to end. I can't return 'home' to them...

I don't want to.
They'd put me into some kind of mental hospital! Well... But even that would be better than facing my parents. They never cared, so why would they now...

But still. I'm NOT insane..!
It was all real... However, there's not a single person besides my friends who'd ever believe me.
I mean... I'm supposed to be dead.

Maybe it should've stayed that way... But... If I can make it just a little bit longer, I'm sure we can all just move on from this someday...!

... Oh? A creaking noise... Must've been the door... They should oil it...

It took me a moment to realize... But then I saw them. They were all there..! All my friends... They could see me. Euphoria came over me- Finally something good in this hell.

But... Their faces... they were filled with a kind of despair... and mixed emotions. Was it concern? I think they talked to me... But it was so muffled... What were they saying? Oh, there was even the prosecuter...
Wonder what she's doing- Oh.. Yeah... To hide my incident from the public forever, huh. Well... Might be better that way. At least I could then still walk the streets of the world without having to worry about troubles.

Are they going to talk to my parents now? Well, this will surely be a mess...

- - -


One by another stormed inside, not bothering to waste their time looking at the other people and immediately surrounded their leader. He looked worse than they anticipated, but they kind of figured things would be tough.

Nobody had a clue about what was going on anymore, but as long as he was alive, they were fine with it.

Since it was still the day before Christmas, many other people were excited and happy, but in the hospital it was just cold.

The gazes of the police and doctors, as well as that middle-aged couple, were all fixated on the group of teenagers. After all, who gave them the permission to just storm in? "Excuse me, what are you doing here?"

Since they had the prosecutor on their side, it was quite easy to make up an excuse, and even though Sae was always so lawful, she had a change of heart as well. "I'm the lawyer you had contacted, and this is the group of the other 'thieves'. They had been allowed to visit as well."

Scoffing slightly, the police officers and nurses accepted it and were then willing to give them privacy and left.

"Hey, dude! Can you hear me?!", being the first to try to have a conservation, Ryuji repeatedly waved his hand in front of the raven-haired male; only to be met with a mild groan. Well, it was a start.

"Ahem, could you kids stop bothering our son? As you can see, he doesn't want you here.", the woman then said, clearly annoyed by their presence and crossed her arms.

"Whaaaaaaaaat? You're his.. MOM?! FOR REA-"

"R Y U J I....." Ann then said quietly, holding herself back with slapping her blonde friend. Makoto sighed.
"Ahem. We apologize for the hassle... But we care just as much as you do. We're trying to help him!"

"HELP him? Look at him! This is your fault for dragging him into that mess.", she then hissed back, her husband standing close-by, not bothered by anything.

The group froze. Was it their fault...?
It can't be their fault. After all, they saved a lot of people.

"No... It... It's... yours!", a rather weak voice then said. And soon everyone's attention was back on him.

"... What did you say?"

"It isn't... their fault... It's.. yours... Neither of you even cared when I... died... You.. were going to lock me away..."

The phantom thieves now stared at the couple again, now in disgust. They didn't think anyone could be that pathetic.

"You better watch your mouth!"
"We put you into this world... And we can take you out of it again too."


"... Alright, I think we have heard enough of your egregious deeds.", Yusuke then suddenly said, a frown on his face.

"Yep. Got it all on camera.", Futaba added on, whipping out her phone while smirking. "Impressive, Futaba-senpai-", Sumire whispered, making the other flustered. "Shhh!"

"Wonder what the CPS would say about this.", Makoto then said, looking proud as well as she looked over to her older sister, who nodded in approval. "You know, they could easily take your custody away..."

Both of them were now petrified. They would easily lose in court with that evidence...

"Maybe it'd be better if you were to leave now and do it yourself to avoid trouble. I mean, you wanted to disown him anyways... Why not give him to Sakura, who actually cares."

Now the parents let out a huff. They really couldn't argue with that logic, so giving their son one last glare...
They then left out the door.

Of course, everyone would still need time to recover from all of this... But at least things could be alright this Christmas.

... Together.

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