Chapter 27

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It really was too quiet in here.


But her face just wouldn't leave my thoughts.

That sickening smile... I... I couldn't remember her name, but I knew that she was very dear to me. She understood all of my troubles, and we even planned our runaway together...

Until she betrayed me.

Her beauty turned sour, so I just had to get rid of her.
I didn't want her to die, but something took over me... And I killed her.

I remember that muffled scream she let out as she slowly suffocated... But I didn't stop. I waited till she was entirely quiet, and as she was then finally motionless... I remember kissing her numb lips before pushing her back into the cold water. It rained that day, after all, it was just a normal April afternoon.
Sometimes I still wonder... Why didn't I just stop? Why didn't she stop me?

However, I know it hasn't been too long now, but spending time here in this dark afterlife... I think I really lost my sanity.

But if I really had to endure her speaking to me non-stop now... I'd rather sleep forever.

Did Lavenza lie to me?

This isn't saving the world.
This is just torture.
Death is torture.

I couldn't even feel anything.
No pain. It was as if I was nothing.
So why? Why did it hurt so bad.
... Why did it hurt so good?

Hell, maybe those side effects made me numb? At least I remember it all clearly now.
And if I can't do anything, I just tend to think about these cruel things.
So now I'll just talk more about it. I'm sure you're all excited to hear about the traumatic story aha.

After we had stolen Sae's heart, we needed to set our plan in motion. I was determined to do it, I couldn't just put my teammates in danger, after all.
So I took the suitcase, and started running. All eyes were focused on the dark figure that was hiding in the shadows of the ceiling. That was me.

I made sure to secure the treasure, and took a fake one with me while continuing to escape. Kasumi got into my way there, but that's not important. So I continued to run, and as these men aimed their guns at me, I had no other choice than to jump out of the window. Truth is, that shit hurt! The glass shards cut me, but that wasn't the part that hurt the most.

Those people - Well, I don't know, they're called something like Swat - they shot with those white bullets.... Then they pressed me onto the hard ground, some man told me I was sold out and then they handcuffed me. That was... even more painful.

Then they dragged me into one of those cars, I was treated like some very dangerous criminal- and then the first dose started. They didn't wait till they were at the interrogation room, but they already started as we were still in that car. Multiple men pressed me against the back so I wouldn't move, and then one started to inject some burning substance into my arms.

Some of them were clear... Some had a color like yellow or some shit... Either way, they were very painful. I don't think these people cared where they were injecting, but they did it over and over again... I still have scars from that.

Believe it or not, I know a lot about drugs and that stuff. And I bet what those people injected me must've been some psychotropic or something addicting like that. Those things made me so... woozy and anxious. At some point I just passed out. I think I already overdosed some back then, no wonder I forgot so many things so easily.

I honestly think those people created something permanent in my soul... That won't just go away so easily. Even if somehow everything goes back to normal... Some of it will always stay, I can see it all on my arms.

Though they aren't here right now aha- Right now... My body doesn't exist. It's already too distant. It's in the real world... But at least it's still there aha. Like a doll...

A lifeless doll.

Well yeah whatever, you guys know how the rest went... I'm tired now. Maybe if I wake up again...

Everything will be okay...

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