Chapter 13

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Of course this would take long, they had expected that, but they still didn't expect it to take 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 long. At least Goro could tell the truth at this report for once, but 𝘢𝘭𝘭 of the thieves had to confess.

Just as the detective had promised them, they got free without any sort of imprisonment or probation, maybe they really could trust him after all... But even after all this business had been taken care of, Akechi still looked distracted. In fact, he looked quite distraught. The others didn't know what was taking all his attention, so they were confused.

They didn't see their dead leader entering the building, they saw nothing. But well, Akechi did see that; And he was already starting to think he was losing his mind. Well, shit, guess all the guilt just dawned on him. Was he hallucinating? Or was that real? To him, there was no logical reasoning on to why this 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 be real.

Akira, on the other hand, didn't even notice them at first too. He actually seemed quite enraged when seeing all these police officers, but the boy kept a smile on his face, which made it even more horrifying to the Detective Prince.

He already tried to leave the station just so he wouldn't have to see him any longer; "...P-please excuse me..."
"Huh? Akechi-kun..?", of course, the others were confused by the sudden actions, and they tried to find out what was the matter.

But the brunette didn't want to answer to those questions; "I.. I need to go to the bathroom.", and so he just left. But he didn't go to the bathroom; to be precise, he headed right to the possible hallucination's direction, which had just went to the room with all the evidence of their case.

Was he haunting the police now for killing him...? For some reason that didn't seem so far-fetched to the distraught detective, but he normally wouldn't believe in dead spirits coming back to life.

And before he even noticed, the 'ghost', who had a phone which seemed scarily similar to the one the real Akira would have, came closer to Akechi, scaring the heck out of him.

He could feel his heartbeat racing immensely as these dead eyes stared into his own, staying completely silent. Neither of them dared to say a word at first.

"... Goro?", the Noiret eventually asked, stopping the awkward silence. And the other could swear, he felt his heart stop.

He talked to him. The hallucination talked to him. He heard his 𝘷𝘰𝘪𝘤𝘦.

After he caught himself again, he immediately backed away and actually held his gun ready on standby. Akechi had seen enough movies to know that ghosts that haunt others are never up to good, and, hell, especially not towards their murderer.

But... Akira just stared at him, seemingly surprised, and actually slightly shocked.

"... You can see me..!"

"... Yes, I can see you...?"

The dark haired male just continued to glare at Goro, making him even more nervous. But before he let the other say anything else, he went closer, attempting to hug him.

... But the hug didn't work out, because as the brunette tried to hug back, his arms went right through the other.

It terrified him even more, because he finally came to the realization;

𝘏𝘦'𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘨𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬.

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