Chapter 5

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"Urghhhhhh... Are we there already...?", Ryuji groaned, as the group had gone on their way to that so spoken of nearby field.

Ann didn't hesitate at all to bonk the blonde on his head; "We literally just left the cafe!" She then shook her head in disappointment and looked up ahead again, they all were covering their faces under hoodies and face masks; they had to hide from the public, after all.

"Stop being so childish. This is serious!", their Queen in charge scoffed; she really could get quite possessive over the team, especially in situations like this. But since Makoto didn't know the way to their destination, she let the Haru lead the way.

Kasumi, on the other hand, had troubles with trying to fit in. So in an attempt to learn more about Akira's friends, she started asking questions; "How do you actually know of that field, Haru-senpai?", she smiled happily at the light auburn haired female leading the team, expecting her to answer.

When hearing that question, Haru had to smile softly, it seemed like she has had a lot of memories at this place; "Ah, I used to go to that field with Mari-san when I was younger-!"

"Mari-san?", the red-haired gymnast curiously tilted her head, a smile still being on her face.

"Oh haha, she's just a woman I used to be friends with! She took care of me when.. father was busy..", the wealthy girl then looked down a bit, sorrow almost painted on her face.

Then the group went silent again, just walking towards their destination. "I'm sorry...", Kasumi then mumbled apologetic under her breath.

Haru then looked back up, smiling softly again; "... It's okay! You couldn't have known after all." She was such a bright flower, so she couldn't stay sad for too long. That was something the other thieves really adored.

"Here we go peeps!", Futaba then interrupted; they've finally reached the field.

Of course, Yusuke immediately had to take out a notebook and a pencil. "Hm.. It really is a delightful sight, I must say.", he said while already starting to draw. "Uargh-!"

"Dude.", Ryuji had already slapped the pencil out of the artist's hand. "Stop that literate artist shit-talk!"

Morgana then sighed loudly; "Urgh, Ryujiii... How can you be so dumb!" It was almost like he tried to start an argument.

"What didja say?!"

"You heard me, you monkey!"

But before a fight could break out, Makoto stopped them with really just opening her mouth; "GUYS..."

And everyone went quiet.


"Pfffttt!", for some reason, Ann then randomly bursted out laughing, making most of the members confused.

But Makoto just blushed slightly as her crush started laughing like that; "W-what's so funny Ann..?"

"That everyone's so scared of you is just hilarious!", the strawberry blonde girl continued to giggle.

It lightened the mood up some again, so now Futaba could throw out one of her slangs again. "lol noobs."

"Ahm anyways!", Kasumi spoke up, smiling politely during the process, "Why don't we take a look inside now?"

The others nodded, with their queen taking on the leader role again. "I completely agree, let's take a look inside."

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

The cottage really was abandoned, the windows were broken and shards were on the floor. The air seemed heavy and it smelled like gasoline; it truly sent them shivers down their spine. Every step they took made a loud creaking sound, as if the walls could break in any second.

And even as serious as Makoto might be, she was a huge scaredy cat beneath it all. So she had to hold onto anyone's hand to not freak out; and that anyone just happened to be Ann of course. It's truly surprising how nobody has picked up on the signs.

"Are you sure this is the place, Haru-senpai..?", Kasumi quietly asked, slightly poking the walls.

"Of course it is!", Haru then turned around, smiling widely. "I always played in here!"

... And she didn't seem scared at all.

"Woah... Well then! Let's get to unpacking", Ann then replied, gently petting the head of their scared Mako.

Futaba didn't seem so sure about everything either. "Is this safe..?", she asked, some anxiety in her voice.

But before anyone could reply, a loud crash was heard from an area further inside. "Dudeee, this is sick!", it sounded like Ryuji's voice.

"Aaahh we're gonna die!!!", the orange haired navigator shrieked out, followed by another shriek from their brunette Queen as well. "AAH! I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry.. save me sis pleasee..."

"Makoko!", Panther then started shaking Makoto brutally, making her stop screaming.

"Geez... It's just Ryuji you dorks!" Morgana then said, jumping onto what was apparently once a table.

Yusuke finally came inside as well after finishing his drawing; "I'd say we go see what was wrong."

"What the hell Inari! Where were you?!", Futaba hit the blue haired male gently on his arm, pouting.

"Ahm, so about Ryuji-senpai...?", the new girl tried to change the topic back to what it was before.

"Right. Let's go!"

They nodded and then started going 𝘧𝘶𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘯.

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